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Alex looks at me curious but still has the comfort in his eyes. How can I tell him this? If he freaks out anyway like the dream I don't know how I'll be able to live with myself knowing I broke his heart. That is something I don't think I could live with.

"I," I start but quickly bury my face into his neck hugging him tight. No tears just holding on tight and shutting my eyes trying to block out everything in the world. I keep sniffling from all the tears.

He smells nice. A comforting subtle axe smell radiates off of him.

Taking in a big wiff I nearly choke. Not on the smell but from crying so hard.

"Are you smelling me," He laughs astonished.

"You smell nice," I defend myself coughing once more.

He chuckles leaning in and putting his face into my neck. Seconds later he pulls his head back.

"What was that for," I comment.

"You smell nice too," He smirks tapping the tip of my nose. His grip around me looses and his hand is now only around my waist as we sit side by side on the couch.

I can't tell him.

Not now.

Not while everything is perfect.

I just can't.

"Rose you should sleep some more. It'll help you feel better," Alex adds after a while of silence.

"But you're here," I whine like a two year old. Maybe its all the meds kicking in again. "I want to spend time with you not sleep." I poke his cheek laughing afterwords.

"Alright then," He chuckles positioning us so we can look into each other's eyes. "Favorite sports team," He continues from earlier.

Our hands interlock and I play around with his fingers. "Green Bay Packers," I blush. It's a little abnormal for a girl around here to like American football as much as I do. "Uncle Harry got me into it," I explain.

Alex nods, "I like the Celtic. Football of course. The real kind." He brings up.

I roll my eyes, "I'm not getting into that argument." He laughs nodding. "Why do you like them?"

"Someday I want to play for them," Alex smiles and appears to be imagining it. I can see him in that uniform playing in front of thousands of people and being amazing at it. Alex has true talent when it comes to football, anyone can see that. Matt is the same way. That's why they make such a perfect pair.

A pang of guilt runs through me.

I'm running a friendship.

I'm the wedge coming between them.

If a guy did that to me and one of my friends, I would hate them forever.

"Are you and Matt going to be okay," I stutter scared of his response. I don't want to be responsible for their separation. But I also don't want to loose Alex.

His gaze hardens and he looks away dropping my hand. "I-I don't know. He hurt you, twice now."

"Alex. He didn't mean to. The first time he didn't even know it was me. And the second time it wasn't meant for me. The punch was intended for-" I stop myself. I do not need Alex feeling guilty about me getting hurt.

"Rose I'm sorry. I should have acted faster and done something to stop him-"

"Stop." I tell him.

"But it's all my fault. You weren't supposed to get hurt," He seems to be getting really upset.

"Alex," I say again giving him a stern look. "I'm fine. Perfectly fine. It's not your fault. You can't protect me from everything."

"That was preventable," He comments. "That didn't have to happen. If I only had-"

I shush him placing my lips on his. His eyes flutter closed and mine do the same.

His phone buzzes stopping the kiss. I sigh as he reads the text message.

"Brad's here. I got to go home. I'll text you later though okay?"

I nod and he pecks my lips lightly.

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