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Matt and I sit with two seats separating us in the main office. I have a bloody rag sitting in my lap since my nose stopped bleeding but an ice pack on my cheek. Matt didn't come out unscathed either, I gave him a pretty good black eye.

Our scuffle didn't last too long before principal Ballard came in. Let's just say he wasn't too happy. Now he's standing in the entrance staring us down deciding our fate. I gulp firmly holding the ice on my throbbing cheek.

"Boys, my office now." He bellows before turning on his heels and heading back to his office. The two of us follow reluctantly knowing that fighting in our school is one of the worst things you can do. We sit in the two chairs in front of his desk. Ballard sits behind his desk his hands folded and resting on the desk top. "Ryan it's only your second day here how can you get into a fight already?"

"I-I," But my words fail me.

"Principal Ballard it was all my fault," Matt speaks lowly as if he's ashamed. I'm shocked.

"Really? Matthew I would never expect this from you. A star athlete and student," Ballard shakes his head in disbelief. He sighs and begins rubbing his temples. "Dare I ask why it started?"

Both of shake our heads in response.

"Dismissed. But I better not see either of you here again."

Principal Ballard slams the door shut behind us.

"Sorry about your nose," Matt says as we start walking out of the office.

"It's alright. Sorry about your eye. Didn't know I had that in me," I laugh a little confused. We just got into a full on fight and now we're okay?

"Are you coming to the game tonight," He asks.

"Of course," I snort trying to sound cool but failing. "Go Beavers," I mock the cheerleaders using my actual voice.

This makes him laugh and I feel accomplished.

"Nothing more intimidating than a beaver. I mean those buck teeth are terrifying," Matt jokes.

"We could of been anything and they chose beavers."

Matt nods his head in agreement. "After the game the boys and I are going to grab some food at Nandos. You wanna join?"

The boys.

Meaning all the football (soccer for the Americans) boys.



Not to forget no females around.

I'll be in heaven.

"Sounds good. See you then," I reply going down a different hallway towards the gymnasium. It's so much easier being a guy. If I got into a fight like that with a girl we wouldn't talk for at least a year. That is if we ever even spoke again.

Sixth bell has barely begun so they're still all in the locker room goofing off. All falls silent when I step in. "Dude you pack some punch," Ian one of the boys finally says. Then they all bust out into conversation about the little fight I got into.

Awkwardly I shuffle back to where my locker is pulling out my gym clothes. Quickly and without thinking I change into my gym clothes. My wig moves partially and I hope none of my blonde hair is peaking through.

Beside me Alex clears his throat. Next thing I know he's tucking in a big piece of my blonde hair back up into my wig.


I can kiss my fifty euros goodbye.

"Uh Ryan is there something you need to tell me?"

Ultra crap.

Looking from side to side I see he's the only one that saw.

"Let's go boys," Coach yells into the locker room. All the others begin filing out.

Alex continues staring at me his honey colored eyes wide in disbelief. "I can explain. Not now, later. Just don't tell anyone please," I whisper in my normal voice getting close to him so no one over hears us.

"But-what?" He looks very confused.

"I'll explain everything later. I promise."




The final bell rings and I'm left alone as Cody spots Jane sprinting off in her direction. I trudge to my locker not really wanting to go home, my parents are going to ask about the bruise on my face and I really don't feel like explaining that.

"So are you going to explain it to me or not?" Alex appears out of the middle of nowhere.

I let out a long breath opening my locker. Most of the hallway is empty. "Yes. But not here Alex. Not now."

"Then when," He whines. "Sorry I'm just curious why."

"It's a long story," I say closing my locker and walking away.

Alex follows me looking at his phone. "Well I've got about an hour and a half until I need to be here for soccer so now works." He smirks at me grabbing my arm and dragging me off school grounds and into the city. "I know where to go," Alex motions for me to follow.

We walk down the streets passing shop after shop. Every place is full of kids from school eating and hanging out. Finally Alex turns into a building on a corner. It's gigantic, not to forget an indoor skate park. I didn't even know this existed.

"You want me to skate board," I laugh. "That will end with me breaking a bone."

"No stupid. No one will bother us here."

He walks over to several empty tables in the corner setting his book bag down on the table. I take the seat across from him still uncomfortable about the whole explaining to him what's going on. We sit in silence for a minute until Alex clears his throat.

"It's a dare okay? I get fifty euros out of it."

Alex looks confused. "A dare? That's it." I nod. "Nothing else at all?"

"I have to hang out you, Matt and Cody. But mainly Matt."


I groan slamming my head down on the table.

"It's complicated," I grumble.

Alex laughs, "Doesn't sound complicated. Just embarrassing." He nudges my elbow. "Come on Rose you can trust me."

I snap my head up, "Why should I?"

He extends his hand a serious expression on his face. "This is why. Give me your hand." We grip hands and he proceeds to do the 'bro handshake' I see them do all the time. "That's a promise."

"Sure I guess I trust you," I sigh. My face is heating up already. "I've had this crush on Matt since grade school. So hanging out with him as a guy is sort of torture for me." I look down at my hands, "Especially when he texts actual me and tells fake me that he likes Rachel. I mean what does he even see in her?"

Alex falls silent for a minute. "Rose. I'm going to be cliche here and say he doesn't deserve you because he doesn't."

I chuckle looking up at him, "I hate cliche."

Bueanas noche! I'm back with a fun filled chapter. I realized I forgot to put a question on the last one. Whoops. I tend to forget a lot, so bear with me. Keep commenting and giving me feedback, I love reading all your comments! This weekend I'm going to go through and reply to some. I think I might even start dedicating chapters to people with my favorite comment. Who knows! Anyways this time the question is what is your favorite movie? Mine, for those of you who care, is probably Big Daddy or pretty much anything with Adam Sandler.

Clear for take off my little astronauts.

I Hate ClichéWhere stories live. Discover now