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"I'm walking in right now Rose. You're still in the break room correct?"

"Alex I haven't moved since I called you."

He sighs, "I'm going to hang up now but I'll be walking through that door in a few seconds okay?"

I nod, "Okay." I hang up the phone and let out a long shaky breath. Like he said Alex walks into the room within a few seconds of hanging up. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't have to. I get up from the couch leaving the warmth of the blanket behind and throw arms around him. I bury my head in his chest. No tears come, there is none left.

We stay like this for a while. The silence can be heard like a bee buzzing by my ear. I can hear his heart beat though. It's smooth and steady. Comforting even. Our breathing falls in sync and Alex is the one to break off the hug. "Let's sit down," He says looking down into my eyes.

I simply nod and we sit on the couch. Alex wraps the blanket around me snug. "I'm curious, why did you call me? Why not Matt?"

"You're my friend. He's my boyfriend, well I'm not sure if we're even that. With you I know exactly what we are and you'll be here for me," I explain settling down finally.

Alex nods biting his lip a little, "Glad I could be a friend.

God Rose you're such an idiot. He's clearly more than a friend. Alex likes me, I know that, he's made it quite clear without actually saying it.

Silence envelops the room again. We're just looking at each other, not talking at all. I can't tell what's going through his head but I sure as heck know what I'm thinking.

Kiss him.

I don't know if it's my emotional wrecked state or if my brain actually led me into it, whatever clicked in my head caused me to press my lips on his and let my eyes flutter closed. It takes him a moment but he finally kisses back placing his hand on my cheek. People always say they feel fireworks when they kiss the right person. I don't feel them. I feel weightless, free like a bird. Now don't go thinking we're full on making out on the couch in the hospital break room. It is just a kiss, not too big but not too small.

Alex is the first to pull back and his eyes go wide.

"Matt," Is all he says.

Then the guilt rushes over me. I can't deny that I haven't felt that great when kissing Matt but he is my boyfriend- date- whatever he is.

"I know," I whisper scooting to the opposite end of the couch and wrapping the blanket back around me.

"He's my best friend. I can't do that to him," Alex shakes his head.

"I know."

"Rose I like you a lot. But," He starts but I cut him off mumbling I know once more. "Will you say something else? Anything!" Alex exclaims scaring me a little.

"Sorry I don't know what to say," I avoid eye contact with him by looking at the ground.

"No. You're fine. I'm sorry. It's just- I don't know what to do," He runs his hand through his hair taking in a deep breath.

"How about we forget about everything that's going on outside of this room," The words come out of my mouth so fast I can't even register what I'm saying.

"What do you mean?"

I roll my eyes scooting closer to him and leaving the blanket behind. "Kiss me."

"What? Rose I already told you-"

"And I'm saying we forget everything that's going on in our lives right now. No one has to know about this."

"Rose you can't be serious," Alex says as I scoot closer to him.

My eyes flick over to the clock on the wall. It's one in the moring it might be my tiredness talking but I really want to forget everything that's going on. I was able to do that a few minutes ago when we were kissing before. "Kiss. Me."



I wake up to the sound of Alex's voice, "Rose. Wake up." My eyes blink open and find my head resting on Alex's lap. He's looking down at me smiling. "Your dad wants to talk to you." I look over at the door and my dad is standing there looking like a wreck. He's got bags under his eyes and his entire face is puffy from crying.

Nodding I get up and follow my dad out of the room. He envelops me in a huge hug, "Daddy are you and mum alright?" I ask.

"Yeah Penguin, we're doing fine." He sighs not letting go and I feel safe in his arms. My dad gives the best hugs. I notice he used my nickname from when I was really young. No one has called me that in a long time.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too Rose. Alice said her kids can take you home or you can stay at her place for the night if you don't want to be home alone."

Looking up at him I smile and kiss his cheek. "Sleep good okay?"

He simply nods giving me one last squeeze. "Goodnight Penguin." He says before sauntering off donw the hall of the hospital.

I'm about to go get Alex but he's already standing in the door way. "Ready to go?" I nod and he comes up to me taking my hand and squeezing it. "Let's go then. Brad should be outside in his car."



We stopped at my house so I could get the things I needed before heading to their house. Brad didn't say anything. He only smiled when he saw our hands joined. The thing is they didn't separate until we absolutely had to.

Alex made a small bed on the floor of his room and made me take his bed. I did grab his sweatpants and sweatshirt to give back to him. We're both laying down our eyes closed trying to fall asleep. His entire bed smells like him and I can't help but love it.

My mind keeps replaying what happened at the hospital. I keep thinking how I felt when we kissed. How I felt free as a bird. But after further thought I realize I'm partially right. I'm a little birdie in a big tree. For that small moment in time I thought I could see freedom, I could taste it. But when that moment passed the tree branches swallowed me again. I was faced to deal with the fact of Matt and what is going on with my unborn brother or sister.

I hear Alex sigh and get up. I keep my eyes closed. "Rose I know you're asleep but I can't stop thinking about that kiss. I feel awful that I don't feel awful. But it was worth it because I think you're worth it." He lays back down and gets comfortable once more, "Goodnight. Sweet dreams."

I might of killed you with all the Rolex feels lately. But the comments are just too hilarious. Trust me when I say you all make my day.

Oh yeah and I might of sorta made a twitter that you should all follow to get updates from me @FiveSauceIsWut

Also what do y'all think of the new cover? I changed it like two hours after I updated the previous chapter.


question time:

I've kind of run out of things to ask y'all so I might just stop doing these. hahaha, unless some of you really like it. I do want to mention that at the end of this book I will be making a video answering any questions y'all have for me. You'll get to see my face! So start thinking now and make them good.

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