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"Yeah sure," Alex presses his lips together in a flat line closing his book and leaning back in his chair.

I sigh sitting on the desk top beside him. "Can we start over? Be friends again."

"Who said we ever stopped?"

I look up at him, he's smiling. I let out a relieved chuckle, "I guess I just assumed-" Then I stopped myself, "So we're good then?"

Alex nods. "Good." I feel like a giant weight is off my shoulders. The bell rings and we both stand up, "I'll see you around then Rose." He smiles at me before taking off down the hall.

"Yeah you will," I whisper a small smile on my face.

I turn on my heels my books hugged to my chest and make my way to my locker. All in all its been a good day. Matt is waiting for me by my locker book bag already in hand. "Free tonight," Matt asks as I open my locker.

"You remember my dad hates you right?" There's no way he'll let me hang out with him.

Matt sighs. "If you're up for it Cody, Alex and I are going to the skate park at five."

"I'll think about it," I tell him grabbing my bag from my locker. He looks a bit dejected as I close my locker. "Matt I didn't say no."

"I know," He grabs my hand as we start walking to the buses. "I just want to hang out with you. Just me and you."

"Me too," I give him a quick hug. "I'll text you!" I say before we get on seperate buses.



"If you don't come I'll be all alone," Jane whines through the phone. I had been sitting in my room for the past hour and a half doing homework before she called. Turns out Cody invited her to join Matt, Alex and him at the skate park.

"Jane believe me I want to go really bad. But do you seriously think my dad will let me?"

"Idea," She exclaims. "Tell him you're going to hang out with me. It's not the whole truth but its not exactly a lie either."

Leaning back in my chair I think about it for a moment. This could work.

"My sister even said she'd drive us," Jane adds.

Okay this really would work.

"Alright I'm in," I smile. Jane squeaks before telling me to be ready in ten and hanging up. A big grin on my face I put away my nearly finished homework and check to make sure I look deccent.

Downstairs my parents are sitting on the couch watching televison and being all couplely. "Hey pip squeak," My dad smiles a little at me. He's gotten a little better, I think mum talked to him.

"Daddy," I put on my cute daughter voice. "Could I go hang out with Jane?"

My parents exchange glances and as it seems have a conversation with their eyes. "Sure. Do you need me to drive you," My mum says quickly. I think my dad was about to say no. Thank the lord she trusts me, even though she probably shouldn't now.

I shake my head just as the car honks outside, "Nope. Jane's sister is outside now. Love you!" I kiss them both on the cheek before bounding out of the house.




Jane's sister drops us off outside the indoor skate park. I was here almost a week ago with Alex. Walking in my eyes immediately see the table, Alex, Cody and Matt are sitting there now. I get butterflies in my stomach, probably from Matt. He's bent over tying his shoes. His hair is swooped down covering part of his eyes.

We make our way over to the table without them noticing and I sit quietly between Matt and Alex. "Surprise," I whisper.

Matt imediately looks up and a smile forms on his face. "Rose! You made it," He pulls me in for a hug.

"Yeah I did."

"Come on I have something to show you," He grabs his skateboard and my hand pulling me away. We leave the others at the table talking. Matt takes me to one of the half pipes and leads me to the side. "Now sit here," He puts his hands on my shoulders making me sit on the bench. With that he jogs off leaving me to watch teenagers skateboard. Some fall straight on their butt, others are pretty great.

My eyes eventually find Matt and he's at the top of the half pipe a huge grin on his face. He sets down his board, half in the air half on the platform. Then he's off. The breeze flowing through his hair. About four times he goes back and forth getting higher each time. The fifth time he adds in a back flip.


Then I see Cody and Jane. Jane is on the skateboard, very awkward might I add. Cody has both his hands on her hips as she grips his shoulders. He's teaching her how to skateboard. Probably the cutest thing I've seen all day.

Suddenly I find myself wishing Matt would stop and teach me.

Hello there! Sorry I missed a day, I jinxed myself. Darn it. Anways what do you think about this chapter? I just had to cut ya'll off on the last one, I couldn't resist.

This break went by way too fast. But on the upside only three weeks left until semester end. Except that means finals. Yes I will be stressing out majorly cause I'm a nerd lol. When that comes around I'll try my best at updating just think once they're all over I have all of Christmas break to update!

Question time:

Favorite actor/actress?


when I reach 100 followers I'll update the first chapter of the *drumroll* Ashton fan-fic!

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