Trienta y cuatro

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The smell of fresh funnel cakes, loud laughter, smiles of small children and everyone else, popping of balloons every so often, and death glares between Matt and the rest of our group. He followed us here. The mood has dampened ever since. 

Alex has kept close to me and Matt even closer. I feel smothered to be honest. "Rose why don't I win you a teddy bear," Matt offers. 

None of us have had the guts to tell him to bug off yet. Key word yet. 

"No I think she wants to play the squirt gun game with me," Alex grabs my wrist and tugs me in the direction of said game. 

Matt of course, being who he is, grabs my opposite wrist and I become a tug of war rope. Between the bickering of two used to be best friends. 

"Why don't you each go play the game yourselves? There problem solved. I'm going to get some food," I say pulling out of their grasps. Turning to Alex I continue, "Sorry I just need to get away from the two of you together." 

Jane follows me to the snack stand. Melanie, Ian, and Cody go off to the squirt gun game with Alex all giggly and couplely. Leanne attaches to Matt and they both go over to the teddy bear toss. Giant bears of all sorts are strung across the ceiling there all staring a comforting gaze around the fair. 

"Alex looks miserable doesn't he," I comment after paying the man for my drink and pretzel. Jane glances over at Alex as he slouches in the chair barely even trying to hit the target. 

"He looks miserable? Yes that is true. But you're miserable too. Matt is ruining your date night!" She exclaims following me to a table.

"Yeah but I don't have the heart to tell him to leave and it's not a date. Alex and I aren't dating yet just friends. Or at least trying. Besides I caused his two best friends to hate him. How evil is that?" I groan breaking off a piece of pretzel and stuffing it in my mouth. "I mean it's not like he's got someone else he can just go to. I don't think Rachel wants him anymore. She's got that new kid from America that she's been fawning over since he came here on Wednesday. I feel like I owe him something you know? I broke the boy's heart and walked away with his best friend." 

Jane doesn't respond as she keeps staring off at the teddy bear toss. 

I snap my fingers in front of her face, "Jane. Earth to Jane." 

"Rose I don't think you'll have to worry about finding another girl," Jane speaks monotone as she points to where her gaze is focused on. I fully focus on the teddy bear toss. Specifically on Matt giving Leanne a giant white teddy bear with a heart as she giggles like a small child. 

"Uh," Is the only noise to be uttered from my mouth. This was a curve ball not even I saw coming. 

"At least you've found your solution," Jane tries finding the bright side. 

"Yeah but I was hopping it would be some one that isn't my best friend," I let out an aggravated sigh standing up and tossing my trash in the bin. 

"Rose," Jane warns. "Rose stop." I keep walking my mind spinning of what to say to this boy. Oh the words that come to my mind. "Why don't we all go on the ferris wheel," She randomly shouts once we're in earshot of everyone else. After several agreeing nods and responses Jane grabs my hand whipping me back towards her. "I just saved you from embarrassment. Now don't let him ruin your 'not-a-date night'." She whispers in my ears before letting go smacking my butt and sending me into Alex's direction. He smiles at me halfway as we walk together towards the ferris wheel. Matt and Leanne pair up. 

My blood is boiling as the board the carriage in front of Alex and I. Once we're settled down, Alex on the inside, he slips his arm around me. "I can't believe him," I spit gesturing to Matt. 

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