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"You threw a party," My dad yells. I sit on the couch trying to avoid eye contact. "Even after your mother specifically told you not to!"

"Luke," My mum places a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you should go a little easier. She's never done anything like this before."

He takes a deep breath running his hands through his hair. They ended up catching an early flight home. Most of the party was gone but Matt and a few others remained. Matt and I were sitting on the couch just talking. He was about to kiss me! Then my parents walked in and let's just say my dad was not too pleased.

"Alright. But as punishment I don't want you seeing that boy. I don't like him," He starts walking away and I'm in shock.

"Dad! You barely even spoke to him! How can you already not like him," I question.

He turns back around clearly unhappy, "Because I'm your father that's why." Then he storms out of the room and into the kitchen.

Its silent through the house. He's never been this mad at me before. Quite frankly I can't remember the last time he was even remotely mad at me. I'm one hundred percent Daddy's little girl.

"Rose," My mum sits beside me on the couch and I bury my head in her side. She wraps her arms around me and rubs my back lightly. "He loves you so much. We're just disappointed that's all."

I pull back and look her in the eyes, "I know. I think I'm going to go to bed now."

She nods letting go and kissing my forehead. I head up the stairs and into my bedroom softly shutting my door. My phone is lit up on my bed with several missed calls and texts from Matt. I dial his number and hold the phone up to my ear.

"You're alive," He jokes once he picks up.

I smile a little, "All arms and legs accounted for."

"Good. I was worried," Matt pauses. "He hates me doesn't he."

"Honestly he wants to run you over with a semi. Matt my dad is super protective and he didn't exactly  walk in at the best moment."

I hear him sigh on the other end. "I still didn't get to kiss you."

Blush rushes to my face and I bury my face in my pillows.

"You wanted to kiss me?"

Matt laughs, "No Rose. I was getting really close to your lips for no reason at all."

"Oh. Well I guess that makes sense," I giggle a little.

"Do you think there's a small chance I could get that kiss," Matt asks.

"And how would that happen exactly?"

"Look out your window."

I pull the phone away from my ear and open my blind. Matt is standing in my front yard phone up to his ear. He's looking up at me smiling that adorable half smile.

"Are you insane," I whisper into the phone.

"No. I promise," He replies.

"That can be debated."

"Come outside?"

I look down. There's no way I can jump. "I'd have to go downstairs and get past my parents. Could you distract them?"

Matt nods hanging up. He puts up his hood making it nearly impossible to identify him. I give him a thumbs up before sneaking out of my room and down the stairs as silent as possible. My parents' voices come from the kitchen. They're talking intenty. Then the doorbell rings. My dad growls lowly and I hear their footsteps head to the door.

This is my chance.

I sprint for the back door and close it silently behind me. "Matt," I whisper.

"Rose," I hear his voice from the side of the house. Heading over that way I see him sitting on the ground trying to stay hidden. I sit down next to him leaning up against the side of the house. "You made it."

"I'm starting to like this whole rebellious thing," I say looking into his gorgeous eyes.

"It only gets better," He grabs my hand interlocking our fingers. His hand is warm around mine.

We sit looking up at the stars in the sky. The night air is freezing and my eyes keep drooping. After a few moments the two of us turn our heads simultaneously and our lips touch. Matt brings up his free hand cupping my face.

To think I went from haven't been kissed, to kissed twice within four days is crazy.

A light flicks on in the house in the window above us and we break apart. "I think that's my cue to go back in," I stand up keeping out of sight of the window and brush off any grass. Matt does the same.

"Here," He takes off his soccer sweatshirt with his last name written across the back and hands it over. "Take this." I grab it and pull it close embracing the warmth.

I smile, "Thanks."

"One last thing," He grabs my hand and pulls me towards him for a quick peck. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I whisper.

Greetings my little astronauts. I just love watching you all talk about who you ship. It amuses me so much. Only I know who she's going to be with in the end muwhahah! Ya'll will have to wait. Evil aren't I. Anyways I hope all of my American readers enjoyed their Thanksgiving, I sure did. I have tomorrow off school as well so expect another update tomorrow night :)

Hope you all enjoyed this!

Question time !

Probably one of your favorite things to comment about, who do you ship more?

Rolex or Rott.

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