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"Matt I've had a great time but I really should be going home," It's nearly seven o'clock at night. Alex stayed at the skate park, Cody, Jane, Matt and I all went to the park down the street from my house. A bit risky but no one has really paid attention to us. Matt and I are sitting at the base of a tree leaning up against the trunk.

He looks over at me a pout on his face. "Can't you stay a little longer?" I shake my head no. "Well since we are deccently close to your house I'm walking you home." 

"If my Dad sees you its bye-bye," I tell him serious. My dad would close the door to my room behind me and lock it with ten locks and put two guard dogs outside my window and door.

"Key word if," Matt smirks standing up and extending a hand out for me. For a moment Alex flashes through my mind for the first time in a two hours and I hate myself for it. I'm on what I guess could be called a date with Matt, Alex should not even cross my mind. Yet he does.

"Rose, you alright?"

I mentally slap myself and smile at Matt getting up myself. "Yeah. Of course why wouldn't I be." I laugh nervously.

Matt looks at me in wonder for a second but seems to brush it off. We walk in silence down the steep hill of my street. It's getting darker by the minute. "Aren't the stars gorgeous," I whisper in awe.

"So is someone else," Matt of course would used the cliché response.

I sigh sticking my hands in the front pocket of the sweatshirt. "This is the part where you blush and give me a kiss." Matt adds a little impatient.

Feeling a little guilty about thinking about Alex earlier I give in standing on my tippy toes to give him a quick kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow," I say walking away towards my house as Matt walks the opposite direction.



It's now about midnight, I've been laying on my bed staring at the ceiling for the past few hours. After dinner I came up and shut my door. I haven't moved since. Matt texted me at nine. I still haven't responded.

Letting out a deep breath I turn up the volume on my Ipod. For a while I've had the same song on repeat but for once I'm actually listening to it. Actually understanding the song. Seeing how much it relates to my current situation.

I have a choice that needs to be made.

Matt or Alex.

It's not fair to either if I keep up what I'm doing now. One of them deserves my undivided attention. I always thought that'd be Matt.

Next to me is a notebook open to a page filled with pros and cons for each of them. Its not helping that Alex's sweats and sweatshirt are still in the corner of my room untouched.

Then a scream. One that you would hear only in a horror film. I sit up right ripping the head phones out of my ear and sprinting out of my room. The scream is gone but replaced with loud sobs. I burst into my parents bed room and find their white sheets stained red on my mum's side. My dad is wide awake panicking as he puts on his shoes.

"What's going on," I ask him. "Is she alright?"

He shakes his head, "Go get the car started we have to go to the hospital." I stand there for a moment in shock, "Go!" He yells this time as he slams his foot into his shoe.

Slightly scared I sprint out of the room down the stairs to the kitchen. I grab the car keys off the rack and go into the garage. I slip on my moccasins that I had left in there at some point. Quickly I hop into the drivers seat starting the car and opening the garage door. Moments later my parents come out the door, my dad helping my mum into the back seat before hopping in himself.

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