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"Trigonometry is literally the worst subject ever," Matthew brings up as we sit down at the table. Cody Jensen and Alex Leaders are with us. They are considered the hottest three guys in our entire school. If I was a girl and sitting with them I'd be killed by all the other girls in this school.

"I hear you man," Cody sighs digging into whatever garbage the lunchroom decided to feed us today.

Everyone is settling into the lunch room and it's getting louder by the second. I keep feeling eyes on me and I know gossip is still going around. That's how it works at this school. No new kid ever goes unnoticed. My gaze wanders over to Matt, he's having conversation with Cody about trigonometry. I can't believe I'm actually sitting with him. His black hair is perfectly messy and that smirk. It seems to melt my heart.

Stop. You're staring Rose.

"Quick question Ryan," Matt says taking a bite of the sad excuse of pizza they gave us today. "You said that you and Rose are basically the same person. Have you two ever dated?"

Rose this is your chance to make yourself look good.

"Yeah not for long it was too weird with how close we are," I tell him.

Matt nods. "Was she a good kisser," Cody questions.

Swallowing my current bite I smile, "Really good actually." What am I saying? I've never even kissed a boy!

"Hey Ryan," Rachel's high pitched voice comes from behind me. I nearly cringe. But I remember as a guy I would find her attractive.


Matt's eyes go wide and he tries to look as cool as possible, "Rachel! How's it going?" He says maybe a bit too over the top.

Rachel laughs uneasy, "Hi Matt. Anyways Ryan we're meeting after school by the oak tree out front. See you there." She leaves winking at me on the way.

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot about that.

"Dude how'd you get her to even talk to you let alone wink at you," Matt exclaims gripping my arm super tight. It kind of hurts.

"Seriously Matt's been after her for the past two years," Alex finally speaks rolling his eyes as if to say it's a lost cause. "Really man I don't see what's so special about her? Sure she's attractive but personality? A brick has more personality than her," He chomps down on his apple. Alex and I have been in classes before I've just never really heard him talk before.

"Don't talk about her that way," Matt snaps. "Ryan you have to help me. Put in a good word for me," He begs his blue eyes shining.

Really? I thought you always thought I was pretty.

"Um, sure man," I start picking at my pizza eating off the cheese.





"No he can't like her! That's not supposed to happen," Melanie exclaims.

"Shush," I tell her reminding her we're in English class right now and supposed to be silently reading. "What did you expect to happen? She really pretty then there's just me. Why would he like me when she's an option," I whisper shaking my head and closing my book. There's no way I'm getting any reading done anyway.

Melanie glares at me shutting her book as well. "Shut your face. You and Matt are meant to be. It'll happen I know it."

"Smith, Jensen," Our teacher Mr Bill snaps. "Less talking more reading."

The rest of the class goes by fast and before I know it the bell rings. I have gym next period, at least I know I won't have it with Rachel. All boys, maybe Matt will be in it. Melanie and I say a quick goodbye before going separate ways. I head to my locker and throw my stuff inside and grab my gym uniform and sneakers. I get to the locker room and realize another challenge I have to overcome.


I swallow the lump in my throat and head to Coach, the gym teachers office. "Smith! Here's your lock and you're locker number twenty five." He hands me a small lock a sticky note attached with the combination.

Already when I enter the locker part of the locker room half the boys have stripped down to their underwear. "Hey dude do you have any deodorant," I hear several boys ask each other while standing there half naked. Well I guess they're all just that close. I make my way over to my locker and I'm glad to find only three boys are beside me. One being Alex. I will admit he is quite attractive, has that very attractive skater boy look going on. His light brown hair reaches his eyes that are a gorgeous honey color. And right now he has his shirt off, I have remind myself to stop staring.

When I know none of them are looking I quickly change my shirt and shorts. No one even noticed. I smile proud of myself as I tie my shoes. "Let's get moving," Coach yells into the locker room. All of us follow him out to the track.

Alex looks over at me, "You picked a great day to come. It's the kilometer." Great now I have to run a kilometer as a boy.

This is going to be fun.

Sorry it's a little shorter than normal I just wanted to stop there! The next chapter should be longer I promise. Anyways what did y'all think? And how about Alex. I like him a lot honestly but that's just me. By the way Cody is actually based off of one of my guy friends, he's really sarcastic and blunt so I thought he fit. And I've got a question for you all this chapter, what is you favorite flavor of ice cream because I'm really craving some right now. By the way this chapter is dedicated to CindyLoraine for being so sweet!


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