Trienta y dos

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"Skateboarding? Me," I laughed as Alex dragged me through the place. He had had his board with him like he usually does. It's top is the standard black I'm seeing on most of the boards. The bottom is a reflective gold with dark red wheels. I like it. 

Alex looks at me smiling, "I think you can do it. So you can. Now quit complaining." 

We stop on the flattest and most empty place in the indoor skate park. Alex sets his board on the ground between us. 

He extends his hands out, "Alright now grab both of my hands and step your right foot on top of the bolts in the front." 

Our eyes are locked together. My stomach twists and knots in all kind of weird ways. "I-I can't do it." I close my eyes taking in a sharp breath. 

"Here," He grabs both of my hands himself. His are warm, not to forget bigger than mine. "Keep your eyes closed. Now step up. I've got you. I won't let you fall. Promise." 

Letting the air out I step up keeping my eyes closed like he told me I could. The board slides forward a bit but it stops. Peaking I see Alex's red Van on the front of the board. 

"Alright put your other foot on now," Alex continues. Taking another deep breath I step onto the board and stand tall not letting go of his hands. "Open your eyes." 

He's looking up at me smiling and I grin realizing I'm standing on a skateboard, "Oh my gosh I didn't fall." 

"I promised you didn't I?"

I nod.

"Okay I'm going to let go slowly. Find your center of balance. Keep looking me in the eye," Alex begins slowly releasing my hands. I obey keeping my eyes locked on his as he backs his hands away. His foot is off the board as well. 

Soon his hands are gone and I'm standing up right on the board by myself. I take in a sharp excited breath fist pumping the air and shouting, "I did it! I didn't fall-" Big mistake. 

All the excitement threw me totally off balance and falling backwards. Alex realizes this and he grabs my waist pulling me up right then off the board. 

Scariest moment of my life. 

"Wow so much for trust," I chuckle shaking my head. "You promised you wouldn't let me fall." I cross my arms glaring at him. 

Alex taps my nose picking up the board, "I kept that promise indeed. You didn't fall did you? I caught you right?" He smirks at me. "How was it?" 

"I don't think it's really my thing," I comment. 

Alex shrugs his shoulders. "Wanna grab some fro-yo," He mocks Rachel's voice. 

"Actually that sounds great right now," I reply laughing. A boy rides past quickly doing an awesome trick on a rail. "I'll pay too if you can do that." 

"You're on," Alex laughs. He sets the board down quickly stepping on and going with ease. It looked natural. He picks up speed before heading to the rail. He does the trick and more. His board flips under his feet. I didnt' think that was humanly possible. 

"Did not think you could do that," I chuckled as he stops in front of me. "Let's go then." 

We get to the yogurt place and set our stuff down at one of the tables before going through the line. At the front I reach for my wallet but Alex quickly pulls out his and sets a ten on the counter. "I told you I'd pay," I comment as the cashier laughs taking his ten. 

"Did you honestly think I'd let you," Alex smirks getting the change. "Come on you know me better than that." 

I roll my eyes grabbing my frozen yogurt and heading to our table. Taking a few bites of the deliciousness before Alex sits down himself. "The Celtic scout is coming to practice Wednesday," Alex blurts out me nearly choking. 

"You're not serious," I say recovering. 

Alex shakes his head, "No I'm not. Coach said he wanted to watch Matt and I. It's like a dream come true Rose." 

"I bet. The Celtic. Dang," I whisper. 

"But if I make it and they draft me out of school I'll be gone and have to leave you." 

He's not serious right now is he? He can't give up his dream for me. There's no in this world I'd let him do anything of the sort. Especially when we're this young. 

"Alex I understand you like me a lot," I still avoid saying love because I still don't know if I feel the same way back. "But this can end and there will be other girls believe me. However an opportunity like the Celtic is a once in a lifetime. You can't pass it up. I won't let you." I grab his hand that was on the table. "We're teenagers Alex." 

He sighs squeezing my hand, "I- I don't know what to say." 

Right now I really want to kiss him. Really bad. But I can't not when an hour ago I told him I just wanted to be friends. 

"Going for your ex's best friend? Now that's just low even for you Rose," Rachel stands in front of our table her friends behind her.

Alex and I spring apart.

"Don't try and hide it. I saw the googly eyes," Rachel snips.

"It was all me Rachel," Alex speaks.

She glares at him, "Matt's your best friend. You're just going to dump him and the 'bro code' for some girl. That's something I'd never expect from quiet innocent Alex. You may be one of the hottest guys in school but that doesn't give you the right to forget the 'bro code'."

"Leave him be Rachel," I narrow my eyes at her. "It's all me. Go ahead text the entire school how much of a whore I am."

Rachel laughs, "Trust me I'm way ahead of you." With that they walk off.

"One of these days I swear," I grit my teeth clenching and unclenching my fists.

"Why did you do that," Alex questions.

"Do what?"

"Tell her to text the entire school. Isn't that every teenage girl's worst nightmare?" 

I look at him, "Is anybody really going to believe that? If they do they're irrelevant." Alex still looks confused. "When your dad is apart of a world famous band and your uncle is Harry Styles you learn how to deal with people and rumors." 

"That makes sense," Alex tastes his frozen yogurt. "Try this," He puts a bit of the red velvet cake on his spoon putting it towards my mouth. Laughing I try it glad that any tension is gone. 

Alex decided to walk me home once we were done. It wasn't too far of a walk I would have been fine by myself but he insisted. We're on my front porch now saying goodbye our bags slung over our shoulders. "Tonight was fun," Tell him. 

The urge to kiss him has gotten stronger and harder to resist. 

"I'm glad you had fun," He smiles as the door opens to reveal my dad. 

"Alex. Nice to see you," He smiles leaning in the doorway. 

"Nice to see you too Mr. Hemmings," Alex replies. 

"Call me Luke. Mr. Hemmings makes me feel old." 

"Love you dad but could you give us a minute. I'll be inside in a bit," I glare at him forcing a smile thinking way to ruin things dad. 

Dad nods getting the picture, "Alright. I'll be in the kitchen." With that he closes the door. 

"Your dad's nice I like him-" I cut Alex off grabbing him and kissing him hard. 

Hey all you lovely people. I updated rather quickly didn't I. I'm impressed with myself. Anyways I'm off school today so I figured why not. I'll probably be off again tomorrow too so maybe I'll update again. Who knows. 

Question time! 

I've got the rest of this book planned out, only about two or three chapters left. So I'm curious as to if ya'll want a sequel or not. I could write one if you guys wanted me too. So what are your opinions? Sequel or no sequel?


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