Contest and Q&A Video

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-write a one-shot of before, during, or after this book (up to the end of their high school days because the rest of their lives is mine) and it can be in any point of view you choose. Write and post it on here and dedicate it to me so I see it!

-The winner with get to be the epilogue of this book, a shout out, follow and maybe something else because why not.

-Second place will get a shout out and a follow.

-Then third will get the choice of a follow or shout out. (If I get that many people to write one that it, lolz.)

-Enter them starting now! The deadline will be March, 31st. So you have a while take your time! Any one can enter :)

Good luck and happy writing.

Q&A video

-As I said a while ago I was planning on making a questions and answer video for y'all. So you'll get to see me yay! 

-All you need to do is submit your questions by commenting below. You can ask as many as you want, they can be as weird as you want or as normal as you want. 

-once I get a lot I'll make the video. If I barely get any there will be no video because awko-taco

ask away!


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