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"Mom do you think I could go to the soccer game tonight," I ask. My parents thankfully believed my story that I ran into a door at school. Then again it is something I would do.

 "Sure honey dad and I might go out later. Could you get a ride home?"

I smile and nod. "Thanks! I'll go get ready."

Once I'm in my room I throw on an old school sweatshirt with a white shirt underneath, it's supposed to get colder tonight. Being a guy is much simple because once I throw on a pair of jeans and place the wig securely on my head I'm finished. As a girl it would have taken me at least an hour to get ready.

The game starts in about a half hour so I go downstairs grabbing a bite to eat. I can't stop thinking about how things are going to be now that Alex knows. Is it going to blow my cover? Did I make a mistake in telling him? Too late now I guess, all I can do is hope. I slip a bit of money into my jean pocket for food or drink later on.

"You ready," Mom yells through the house from the garage.

"Coming," I reply heading out to our SUV. It's nice and big, my dad likes big cars. We both hop in and she starts the car pulling out of the driveway.

Faint music plays in the background as we start the short drive to school. "Anything interesting happen this week yet?" My mom asks laughing a little. She must know awkward situations I could have gone through considering she's done this herself.

"Figuring out how to change for gym, that was a challenge."

"And how has that gone?"

I look away, "Someone already knows."

Mom just laughs, snorting a little. "It's okay Rose because you know what, Ashton found out I was a girl too. At least you have someone to help you now."

"Well it's Alex. He's kind of quiet. Well he was before I got to know him as a guy." Alex and I have gone to the same school since I can remember and we've barely even held a conversation before this week.

"You'll get a lot out of this bet I'm telling you. Any updates on Matthew," She nudges my shoulder a little turning down the road for the school.

I smile a little. "I don't really know at this point. We're friends but that's all."

She pulls into the parking lot beside the fields stopping to let me out. "Well good luck and remember your voice. Love you."

"Love you too," I give her a quick kiss on the cheek before hopping out of the car. She pulls away I purchase my ticket in. The junior varsity game is first, that means Alex and Matt aren't playing but Cody is. Cody is a swinger, or someone who plays both junior varsity and varsity. If I was him I would be dead by the end of the two games.

When I walk towards the small sets of bleachers I hear my name called and Matt is waving me over. The bleachers are sparsely filled with family of both teams, the girl's team, random people from school and of course the varsity team. Matt and Alex are in the midst of the varsity players and few other boys from our school. Some girlfriends are thrown into the mix but they seem to fit in.

"Sup man," Matt says when I finally get to them taking a seat beside him.

I smile at him sticking my hands in my pockets already feeling the chill in the air as the sun goes down. The first game has already started, about five minutes in. Cody is playing forward and is currently on track for a goal. His bright yellow and blue shoes for our school colors show up extra bright on the dark grass. Everyone around me is engrossed in the game, it's very close actually. Jane shows up wearing no jacket at all and freezing her butt off. She isn't the brightest person in the world. I tell her to take the open seat by me and she gladly does.

Matt leans over to me, "Cody's going to ask her to Fall Ball between games." I can feel the happiness inside grow ten times for her. Jane is going to be estatic. I could scream right now. There is a slight flaw in that. 

I'm a guy.

Guys don't scream. Instead I have to hold it in and wait until later to freak out with her.

"Are you going to be here for the dance," He asks. Fall Ball is one of our school's annual dances, it's a big deal to go with someone. Matt has never actually asked a girl to the dance, he usually just shows up and they throw themselves at him.

I shake my head, "No. I leave really early Sunday."

"So that means Rose will be back for next Friday?" I nod. "I might just have to ask someone this year."

My heart might have stopped briefly.

Again I can't scream because I'm a guy.

But I could be taking this all the wrong way and he could be wanting to ask Rachel to the dance and wants me to be there to see it happen because it's all apart of this scheme he has to torture me.

Or he could want to ask me.

The first choice seems more plausible to me.

The buzzer goes off for the end of the game. Everyone in the stands gets up to stretch out the boys gathering their bags and leaving. The coach has the junior varsity boys in a huddle and I see them passing around white signs with a single letter on each. Jane is talking my ear off about Cody and how sweet he is, and how attractive and funny he is. Right as I'm about to tell her I get it, the junior varsity team lines up with their signs.

Fall Ball?

Cody stands on the end with a single flower and a sign that says:

Will you Jane?

I watch the biggest smile spread across her face as she pops up jumping over the small fence and sprinting onto the field. Jane gives him a big hug and I hear all the boys cheer.

Again I am so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated. School is just being school, a life is being life. Plus I hit a bit of a block. Before tonight I had one paragraph done, the rest was written over the span of an hour. I had tried writing all week but nothing came to me. But now you've got an update! This chapter is dedicated to the short and sweet comment that just made me smile: NaddiTommo1810 !

Question this week:

Who do you ship?

Rott (Rose and Matt)

Rolex/Ralex (Rose/Ryan and Alex)

Congrats my little astronauts, you've made it through the atomosphere

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