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"That's all for today," Mrs Finch turns off the over head going over to sit at her desk. I close my notebook and stuff my pencil in the spiral.

"So you know Rose Hemmings," Matt asks leaning on the bar of his desk.

"Yeah. We're so close we are practically the same person," I laugh at my own joke.

Matt smirks melting my heart, "Well if you're looking for a place to sit at lunch come find me." Then the bell rings.

I smile at him, "Sounds good. See you then." I attempt to flick my hair like all the boys do but fail miserably.

I think I gave myself whiplash.

Matt gives me a strange look before we both head separate directions. I pull my schedule out of my jean pockets to see what my next class was. Before I can read it the paper is snatched from my grasp. Rachel stands beside me intently reading my schedule.

"Trigonometry with Daniels and we have that class together! I can take you there," She squeals. Her hand wraps around mine and soon I'm jerked in the other direction. "And there's even an empty seat by me that you can have," I groan internally. When I agreed to this I did not expect for a girl to like me.

It's kind of creepy actually.

I shudder. Rachel drags me into the all familiar room. She pushes me towards a seat in the middle and basically shoves me into it. Man she's got some strength. I get comfortable reminding myself to sit like a guy, no legs crossed. There's a lot of thinking involved with pretending to be a guy.

"Hey you're in my seat," Emily Rivers also known as Rachel's best friend since grade school.

Rachel shoots her a death glare, "No it's not. You got moved last week. You're over by Tristan." She almost growls. Emily storms off and I hear her books slam down on the desk.

Rachel looks over at me batting her eyelashes, "Word around school is you actually got kicked out of your last school for getting into fights and even starting a food fight."

My eyes widen. Is that the rumor going around about me.

She places her hand on my elbow lightly. "I like bad boys," Her voice is at a whisper as she smirks at me.

I laugh uneasy, "No. Never gotten into a fight before. That's just a rumor."

Her face falls and she takes her hand off of me which I am thankful for. "Oh. So you're the goody-two-shoes type? Even better."


The bell rings saving me from any further awkwardness. I've never been so happy for math to start in my entire life.

Mr Daniels assigns homework, partner work actually. When he dismisses us to do our work Rachel grabs the bar of my desk pulling me close to her. "Okay let's get to work on this. I'm not great at math so if you could help me that'd be great," Rachel looks at me innocently. I grab the paper from her desk and begin copying the assignment off the board. It's easy triangle relations. Within a few minutes I have the assignment done and completed.

"How'd you do that," She exclaims taking the paper from my grasp. Pretty much everyone else in the room is done I don't see how it's that much of a shock.

"If you paid attention to the lesson he basically did the problem on the board," I gesture to the notes on the opposite board. "All he did was change a few numbers."

"Sorry I was distracted. Silly me," Rachel giggles covering her mouth while she does. "Ryan would you happen to have any plans tonight? The girls and I are going to get some froyo downtown."

Froyo. Seriously?

"Um not exactly. I was uh thinking I'd just go home," I reply giving her a quick smile.

"Great then you can come with us. I'll give you the details at lunch," And before I can protest the bell rings and she's gone giving me a wink as she walks away.

Melanie is so going to get it once this is all over.

After second bell I always go pee. It's apart of my routine and I can't break that. It won't be much different going into the boys restroom. Heading towards the bathroom I head into the one marked boys. The wall is lines with urinals, lots of them. Then there's one lone stall in the back corner.

Forgot about that.

Several guys come in and start lining up each unzipping and the whizz flying. I avert my eyes quickly. Going in the stall with draw too much attention to myself. Plus I can smell it from here and it doesn't smell pleasant. I did not really think this through.

I take a quick peek and see that the end urinal is empty. Quickly I make my way over. Each of the urinals is separated by a metal plate and the two after mine are empty. Making it snappy I awkwardly pee into the urinal.

Definitely something I never thought I'd do.

Zipping up my pants I wash my hands and head out to my next class. Note to self: pee during class. I hurry up to third bell and my stomach growls. At least lunch is next. I find an open seat next to Jane, at least I have a class with one of my friends. "How's it going," Jane grins at me trying to hold in the laughter.

"Oh shut it. I was okay with it until Rachel Simpson started hitting on me. I got roped into getting 'froyo with the girls' tonight," I complain.

Jane grimaces, "That's rough. Hang in there. Have you talked to Matt yet?"

I nod, "Sitting with him at lunch."

"Score! You can put in good word for yourself now," Jane points out.

The bell rings signaling the start of class and Miss Jackson beings ranting on about the Civil War that granted the Americans their Independence from us. I start zoning out thinking about how today has gone so far.

All I can say is if this is how the rest of the week is going to be, this will be interesting.

Hey there lovely peeps. Thanks so much for all the feedback it's incredible. I'm loving reading all your comments and yes I reply to all of them. I absolutely love writing this story so I'm going to try and update as much as I can, every day if possible. How does that sound? Well anyways hope you liked it! Vote and comment, I want to hear your opinions. It's currently midnight here, I'll probably update again today sometime in the afternoon. Until then, love you all!


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