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Posters are hung around the school advertising for the dance tonight. Most of them saying 'Fall Ball it'll be a Ball!' or something cheesy like that. All week Alex has avoided me. And I mean avoided, like a criminal and a cop. It's not like I haven't tried talking to him either. The only class I have with him he completely ignores me. Once he laughed at something I said but then when we made eye contact his smile faded and he looked away.

He's angry, I get it. But he hasn't even given me a chance!

I miss him a lot. We had such a great thing forming and I had to go mess it up because I panicked. Sometimes I really hate myself for it.

He still sits with us at lunch at least, except as far away from me as possible. It's easier for him since Matt is glued to me and my friends joined us as well.

I hurt him really bad and I can tell. I just want to apologize and everything to be alright. However that also requires breaking Matt's heart and I don't know if I can do that. I'm not the type of person to break someone's heart.

Matt, like he has the past few days, meets me in the lunch line and we walk through together. He rambles on about everything and anything. I swear he can go on for a half an hour about nothing. Most of the time I don't pay attention to what he says I simply nod every once in a while. We get to our lunch table and Cody and Jane are being all cute and coupley, it's too cute. I sigh setting down my tray. I look to Alex's empty place, he's usually here by now.

Everyone sits down at our table, but Alex, and start talking about how great the dance is going to be tonight. Melanie and Leanne got asked and are still full of happines. Ian asked Melanie with a cupcake that read 'Fall Ball With Me?' It was so precious. Leanne got asked by Ethan, who is super shy and it was a schock he had the guts to ask anyone.

"Matt you're going to love Rose's dress," Leanne gushes taking a drink of her water. "She looks amazing in it!"

He looks over at me smirking, "She looks great in anything." He says before kissing my cheek.

They all continue to talk about dresses complimenting each other and I eat my pizza in silence as I stare at the empty seat. "Has anyone seen Alex," I finally say. All of them are no help as they shrug their shoulders.

Dear lord, what if he got kidnapped or something? What if he's dead?

"Hey there he is," Cody gestures a pizza in hand. All heads turn towards the door where Cody was pointing. Sure enough there stands Alex.

With Caroline.

Holding hands.

We make eye contact for a split second and he smirks as they walk towards us. My stomach drops to the center of the Earth as they share his seat. He has one arm wrapped around her waist and both of them are smiling.

Don't cry.

Rose, don't cry.

They're just friends, he just holding her waist so she doesn't fall off the seat.

Cody high fives him, "Told you man."

"It worked, all of it," Alex's eyes flick to me as he kisses Caroline on the cheek. Usually girls in my situation would say, 'it doesn't matter she's a slut'. Caroline is the exact opposite. She's a goodie-goodie possibly the sweetest girl I've ever met.

"So Alex has a date to the dance now," Matt smiles. "Let's all meet at my house. My dad makes some great ribs."

Everyone nods getting even more excited about the dance. Jane looks at me confused. "Oh crap! Rose we need to go talk to Mr. Bill about our assignment remember," She acts terribly might I add. No one seems to notice, except for Cody he gives her a funny look. Jane stands up with her tray motioning for me to follow her. I obey ducking my head as we dump our trays and head out of the cafeteria.

Jane grabs my arm pulling me into the girls bathroom. She turns me towards he making me look her dead in the eye. "What's wrong Rose? You look like you're about to cry. Is everything all right?"

I shake my head and a tear falls. "Alex."

She looks confused for a moment, "What? How is Alex what's wrong? I'm really confused."

I sniffle wiping the now streaming tears. "When Matt asked me to be his girlfriend I was planning to break things off with him."

"And get with one of his best friends?"

I nod.

"Rose I'm sorry but that's a very stupid plan. Matt would hate Alex forever and you know the saying bro's before hoe's."

I shake my head, "Alex is different." Then I spill everything. I tell her about how Alex and I became close because of the dare. How he kissed me in the rain and cared for me. When I was mad at him for a stupid reason he forgave me. That he wanted to teach me how to skateboard when all Matt wanted me to do was watch. He was my friend when I needed it most. He was there to comfort me when I needed someone. Alex was able to do things Matt could never even come close to accomplishing.

Jane is speechless. I'm crying violently now my mascara smeared and my shoulder shaking. Saying all that made me realize how much Alex really meant to me. I know he isn't some boy I have a school girl crush on. Jane grabs a paper towel running cold water on it and hands it to me.

"Here," She hands it to me. "Blot your face."

"Thanks," I take a deep breath and stop crying. The cold feels great on my hot face. "What am I going to do Jane? I can't break Matt's heart."

"You don't decide they will."

I apoligize for it being so dang long since I've updated. I really am sorry. But on the bright side I'm off school for two weeks! And finals are over, no more stress.


oh and dedicated to MissHemmings because she perf

okay now bye

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