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"Hey there friend," Alex pops up beside my locker bookbag in hand. Everyone in the hall has giant smiles on their faces. It's break, we have a reason to be smiling.

I grab my bookbag throwing in all of my stuff. That includes a few notebooks and my gym stuff. I already turned in my books. Matt and Cody find their way over. We had planned on meeting up after school and heading to the fields to play soccer with a lot of the boys.

"Ryan I can't believe you're going to be leaving Sunday," Cody brings up. "Are you going to be moving here?"

"I dunno. My mum doesn't seem too enthused about it when I talked to her last night. But I'm sure I'll visit Rose and then I make sure to see you."

"You better man," Matt hits my shoulder as I close my locker. We make our way out the building and people keep saying goodbye to me. Funny thing is they will see me again, just not me. Rachel is one of the last people to come up to me. She just gives me a huge hug.

"In case I don't see you again before you leave," She kisses my cheek. Her mom honks and with that Rachel is gone.

"Come on Ryan," Alex yells. The three of them had kept walking and are already halfway to the fields. I run to catch up.

At the fields Ian and Ethan are already passing around a ball. The three of us drop our bags and join them. It's been a few years since I've played. This is going to be intresting.



I'm dead by the end. It's been a good three hours of playing non stop. If I didn't know any better I'd think they were trying to kill me. Alex keeps checking on me and I brush him off. Now I feel like I'm about to pass out. Boys play rough and dirty. There's just a few of us left here and we're just siting on the ground drinking water. "Yay I get to go home to an empty house," I tell Alex sarcastically. "My parents left for a small trip this morning and of course I wasn't allowed to come."

"You're going to be alone all weekend."

I shake my head, "No. Louis is 'watching over me' from Thursday to Sunday."

"Well if you don't want to go home just yet why don't you come over to my house. My parents won't mind."

"Are you sure?" Alex smiles and nods.

"Brad is here now so come on." I pull out my phone and shoot Louis a text so he knows where the spare key is when he gets there and doesn't freak out when I'm not there.

We when get into the car Brad smiles, "I knew you wouldn't stay mad at him. It didn't even last twenty four hours. Here Alex was freaking out that you'd never be-"

"Shut up Brad." Alex turns on the radio and we make our way over to Alex's house. He lives a few streets away from me in a typical two story house. "You know you don't have to pretend you're Ryan. My parents won't say anything." He smiles at me as we walk into his house.

His mum is in the kitchen siting at the counter typing away on a laptop. I see where Alex gets his gorgeous eyes. I smell pizza rolls in the oven and I'm in heaven. Pizza rolls are my favorite. "Hi mum," She looks up from her computer smiling. "This is Ryan-I mean Rose."

I smile at her as I take off my wig. "Nice to meet you," I say politely.

"Honey I'm just happy I finally get to meet the girl Alex has been talking-"

"Mum!" Alex exclaims closing the fridge. He has two red Gatorades in his hands.

"Oh alright. Have fun," With that she returns to her computer. Alex heads off down the stairs and I follow. We end up in a small rec room. There's a small high up window that lets in a bit of natural light. There's a couch and flat screen tv. Alex plops down on the couch setting one of the drinks on the coffee table and opening the other. It's a bit chilly down here but that's how most basements are.

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