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I hesitantly put on his sweatpants considering my jeans are freezing. I place his muddy shirt and sweatshirt in the shower and wash my face. Looking in the mirror I decide to try and get at least the tips of my hair free of mud. I turn the faucet so the water is warmer and clean the bottom half of my hair. The shoulders of my shirt end up wet but I could care less. I can't believe he kissed me then said he didn't know what he was doing.

Who doesn't know what they're doing when they kiss somebody?

After ringing my hair out I fold up my jeans and head out of the bathroom. Alex is sitting on the ground against the wall by the door. "Rose-"

"Save it. I'll give you back your sweat pants some other time," I tell him grabbing my shoes and book bag. I head up the stairs and outside on their porch. Louis is on his way to pick me up. The temperature has dropped considerably and I'm shivering on the steps.

After a few minutes I hear the door open and shut behind me. Alex drops a new warm sweatshirt on my lap and sits beside me. I stare at the sweatshirt for a moment before caving, it's too cold to only have on a shirt.

He sits with me, still covered head to toe in mud, until Louis pulls into the driveway. I get up throwing my bag over my shoulder not looking at Alex. Inside the car Louis sits in the front smiling at me. "How's it going kiddo," Louis smiles.

"It's going," I reply quietly closing the door. Alex remains sitting on the steps looking at the car as we start to pull away.

"You don't have on your wig," Louis points out after a long silence.

I sigh, "It's a long story that I'd rather not talk about right now." I lean my head up against the window watching the rain hit and race down the side of the car.

"Boy problems. I see." Then he leaves me alone. We go into the house I head into my room closing the door behind me. I go over to my bed and just fall onto it face first. A small moan comes out. I don't even know what I'm feeling right now to be honest.


A little.





How could he just kiss me like that? He knows I like Matt first of all and he knows that I haven't had my first kiss yet. Did he just assume I would want it to be him? Apparently he did because that's what happened.

I flip over and stare at my fan that's spinning slowly. His sweatshirt is really warm and it smells really good too. I think he wore it to school today.

Stop. You're supposed to be mad at him.

I take off the sweatshirt tossing it to the far corner of the room. There's a quiet knock on the door before Eleanor opens it. "Louis said you had some boy trouble," She whispers sitting on the edge of my bed. I look over to the sweatshirt lying in the corner not saying a word. "I get now. You're confused."

For once it all clicks. I'm very confused. "Yes," I whisper. "I've liked Matt for what seems like forever and he finally seems to return the feelings. But now there's Alex."

Eleanor simply smiles, "The classic cliché tale."

"You know for how much I hate cliché it seems to pop up a lot."

She laughs, "You'll learn to love it."

"Maybe tolerate. Not sure about love," I chuckle. "How do I choose though?"

Eleanor shakes her head. "You don't. They do."

Short because the last chapter was a bit longer. None of you killed me though so that's a plus! What do y'all think of 1D's new album and not to forget their perfect livestream? I'm listening to the album for the first time now. IT'S PERF!

Anyways question for this chapter:

I've come up with the idea for the book I just need to decide who to do it for. You have nine choices.

Niall Horan

Liam Payne

Ashton Irwin

Calum Hood

Luke Hemmings

Michael Clifford

Casper Lee

Connor Franta

Marcus Butler

vote now!

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