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Monday comes quickly and I'm not in the mood to get up after a long break. Those are the worst Monday's. But on the plus side I do get to see Matt. That thought gets me going. I hop up out of bed and into the bathroom for a quick shower. Being a girl is definitely more time consuming. I put on my favorite pair of black leggings a white tank top and Matt's sweatshirt. Alex's clothes still sit in the corner of the room. I'll have to give them back at some point.

Once my hair is dry and it's usual wavy self I apply my normal school makeup before heading downstairs. My dad is sitting at the counter on his phone as he is every morning. My mum is sitting beside him eating a pop tart. She's the first to notice I'm even there. She looks at my sweatshirt and shakes her head.

Shrugging my shoulders I grab a glass and pour some milk into it. I hear the bus brakes down the street and chug my milk. "Love you," I give them both a kiss on the cheek. Like always I rub in my dad's kiss. It's a thing that started when I was little between us. He returns the favor but reluctantly. He's still a little upset.

I sigh and grab my book bag heading out the door just as the bus is stopping. The only free spot left is next to Alex. I don't even know where I stand with him anymore. I know the bus is waiting for me to sit down so I suck it up and sit next to him.

"Hey," He smiles at me noticing my sweatshirt. Everyone notices it actually. I smile back at him awkwardly and then face forward setting my bag on the floor.

This is the first time in a long time I've wanted the bus ride to school to end as fast as possible. The air between us is just awkward and I can't take it.

As soon as the bus pulls into the parking lot to let us off I pop up and make my way off the bus quick. It's cold outside and I stuff my hands in the pockets of the sweatshirt. Inside the school its not much better since our school doesn't seem to believe in heat. For a moment I pause at my locker to remember my combination. It feels like forever since I've opened it.

"Nice sweatshirt," Matt says leaning up against the locker next to mine.

"I thought you might like it," I smirk grabbing my math book for first bell and closing my locker.

He pulls me in for a hug, "Looks better on you."

The warning bell rings through the hall and everyone starts moving faster. Matt surprises me with a quick peck before heading off to his first class. "Did I just see what I thought I did," Jane comes up to me dragging me off in the direction of our first class.

I blush, "Yeah you did."



"The entire school is talking about you and Matt," Leanne gushes as we finally have a break during second bell.


She gives me a look, "Duh! Rose you two are the most adorable thing ever. Makes me really want a boyfriend."

"We aren't official yet."

"Key word yet," She smirks poking my side.

"Yes, yet." We can't help but laugh.



Third bell I have with Rachel. I never used to talk to her but today is different. After being Ryan and actually having a conversation with her she doesn't seem bad at all. "Hey Rachel. How's it going?"

She looks up at me giving me a questioning look.

"Ryan told me he got to know you a bit."

This makes her smile, "He talked about me?"

"Oh yeah! You made his trip. He told me you were his first friend," I tell her.

Rachel looks away tapping her pencil on the desk, "Yeah he was a good friend." She whispers.

The bell rings and it's time for lunch. My stomach has been growling all morning. Melanie, Leanne and Jane are all waiting for me at my locker like always. "I missed sitting with you guys at lunch," I admit to them. As fun as it was sitting with Matt and them I found myself missing the fun conversations we always have.

"We missed you too," Melanie gives me an assuring side hug.

"I wonder what crap they're going to try and pass as food today," Leanne isn't joking when she says that. We make our way into the line quickly going through. Matt and I make eye contact as he walks into the cafeteria with Cody and Alex. He does that half smile that I love and waves before getting in line.

"Stop flirting," Melanie punches my arm lightly giggling.

"Let her be," Jane defends me before waving at Cody herself.

"Easy for you to say," Leanne comments as we sit down at our table.

Jane and I exchange glances sighing. "Guys you'll find someone. What do I always say?"

"We're fourteen," Leanne mumbles stabbing her chicken with her fork.

"Fifteen," Melanie corrects rolling her eyes. "At least you guys have dates to the dance. Leanne and I are flying solo."

"There's still time left," Jane tells them. "Which reminds me. Dress shopping tomorrow after school?" We all nod before starting to eat.




 Fifth bell is the only class I have with Matt, we sit rather close to each other too. I go into this class with a smile on my face and put my books on my desk. Moments later Matt walks in a smile on his face as well. "Can you stop being so gosh darn cute," He whispers kissing my forehead. "That would be really helpful."

"Sorry," I shrug my shoulders, "No can do."

"Ew. Hold the PDA," Ian comments walking into the room and setting his books down. Alex is standing beside him avoiding looking at Matt and I. I put a bit of space between Matt and I taking a deep breath. I have to fix things. The awkwardness is getting to me.

The bell rings and our teacher walks in staring class.



Its last bell and Alex is in my class. There's a few minutes left of class and I make my way over to him determined to attempt to fix things. "Alex," I say and he looks up from his book. He's been quiet all day around everyone. "Can I talk to you?"

Sorry to cut you off there but I had to! Three days in a row of updating, man I'm on a roll. Okay so I was in the city today and as we were walking I heard this mom yell "Ashton" and I about freaked. There was this adorable little boy who responed and he was so cute. Like ugh! I just love that name in general.

Anyways tell me what you thought! I loved your comments about who you shipped, all of them made my day to be honest.


City or country?

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