Trienta y tres

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Jane and I sit in the bleachers watching practice our jackets zipped up all the way as the wind whipped around. The Celtic scout sat just a few rows up and to the left of us with a clip board and pen. 

"How nervous was Alex," Jane asks rubbing her hands together for heat. 

I laugh stuffing my hands into my pockets. "He wouldn't say but it was quite obvious he was freaking out." 

"Cody's really happy for him, Matt not so much. I can't even count how many times he told me Matt doesn't deserve the spot. He's still pretty pissed at him," Jane adds. "Have you talked to Matt since you know?" 

I've told her, Melanie, and Leanne what happened. All of the making out. Leanne didn't believe me at first, it took a little convincing but she finally came around. They know that Alex told me he loves me and I haven't said it back yet, probably won't for a while. I'm glad they know too.

Melanie and Ian are official too. They're the quirkiest couple I know and that's what makes them perfect together. Melanie is so blunt and rude at times, then Ian balances her out with his kinder nature and affectionate personality. 

"No I haven't at all. I've been avoiding him actually," I mumbled watching intently as Alex runs down field with the ball. 

"Oh," Jane pauses concentrating on the field. "I think you should talk to him. Not end things on a bad vibe. You get me?" 

Jane has always been one of those people all about getting along and ending things right. You don't have to best buds, you could hate each other. But in her eyes you should have at least attempted at mending things. 

"Yeah I get you," I sighed rubbing my thighs to warm them up a little. "How do you think Leanne is taking all this? She hasn't said anything about anything really lately and that's odd for her. I'm worried." I change the subject. 

"I know," Jane takes her red hair down from it high pony tail shaking it out. "Leanne deserves a great guy and I think a lot of guys are scared they won't live up to her standards. I mean look at Ethan! He basically ditched her at the dance because he got too nervous. Bull." 

Shaking my head I continue, "I still can't believe he did that. What a turd." 

"I think they're done," Jane comments as the scout gets up from his seat and heads down the bleachers and onto the field towards their coach. 

"I've never been so nervous for someone else in my life." 

"He'll make it no problem."

"I hope so," I half heartily say. 

Ever since Alex told me Monday that the scout was coming to watch him I knew he'd make it. Did I like that? No. Of course not. But I have to like it because he likes it. Even though he claims that he'd rather be with me, I cannot let him do that. No way, no how. Not going to let him throw it away. A part of me though has hoped he'd get turned down just so I didn't have to lose him. Even if we aren't dating, I don't want him to leave. 

Selfish I know. 

Alex and Cody are walking towards the bleachers their bags slung over their shoulders sweat beading down their foreheads as they smile laughing at what one of them said. I stand up with Jane and start walking down a bit. I notice Matt not far behind them with Ethan talking. Alex waves at me and I wave back. 

"Alex come over here for a second," Their coach shouts. 

His face lights up and I give him a quick thumbs up before he jogs off to the scout and his coach. Cody finally reaches us and he tries to pull Jane into a hug. "Nice try but until you're dry it's a no from me," She laughs pushing him back lightly. Not that I blame her all of them are drenched in sweat and if you touch one of them, the slightest touch, you'll be drenched too. 

"I think that was a good sign," Cody smiles looking back over his shoulder at Alex. "A really good sign." 

"I happy for him," I half smile kicking a rock backwards. 

"Can I talk to you for a second Rose," Matt comes up to us wiping the sweat off his forehead. He looks tired, but then again he was just running for a minute. 

Cody presses his lips together avoiding eye contact. Jane looks at me nodding. "Tell Alex I'll be back," I say stuffing my hands back into my jacket pockets. 

Matt smirks turning and walking away in step with me. He waits until we're a good distance away. "Remember how I told you I wouldn't give up?"

"Not now Matt-"

He shushes me. 

"Okay continue," I cross my arms looking up up at him a little aggravated now. 

"I- I really like you," He stutters taking a deep breath. 

"We've established this." 

"Let me finish please, then you can talk." I let out a reluctant sigh before letting him continue. "The fair is in town this weekend and Friday I was hoping for one more chance. One more chance that's all I need and you'll see everything. You'll see how I'm the better choice." He looks at me expectantly running his hand through his black hair his blue eyes glistening. They're so blue I could almost get lost in them-almost being the key word.

"Done?" He nods. "First you've had your chance, twice now. Second why would I go with you. Alex and I already had plans to go." 

"Please I could show you such a better time than him. Can he win you a giant teddy bear? Not with those arms. But with these," He gestures to his own arms. "I can win any number of giant teddy bears you want all night." 

"Thanks but no thanks," I smirk at him. Spinning on my heels I turn around and head back. Alex is looking at me biting his lips nervously as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other. 

"I won't give up. I won't Rose Hemmings. I swear I won't," Matt yells and I swear the entire world heard it. 

Ignoring it I jog back to Alex. "What's the verdict?" I smile at him. 

"They're going to sign me in a few years!" He exclaims opening his arms. 

Did he just say what I think he said? Or am I hearing things. 

Without caring I pull him into the hug wrapping my arms around his neck as he spins me around. "Oh my gosh this is amazing," I giggle as he sets me down our foreheads touching as I look up into his soft brown eye. "How long is a few years?" 

"Like once I hit the legal age," He smiles bigger than I've ever seen. 

"I'm so happy for you. I knew you would get it," I smile up at him. 

"What did he have to say," His smile disappears and his eyes loose their softness. 

"He wanted another chance. Wanted me to go the fair with him on Friday," I tell him. His gaze drops, "Don't worry I told him we had plans on going already." 

He looks at me again raising his eyebrows, "But we don't have plans?" 

"Do I really have to explain it to you?" 

Then it clicks in his head, "Oh. I'd love to go with you." 

"Jane, Cody, Melanie, Ian, and Leanne too?" I question nervously.

"Them too," He smiles kissing my cheek.

ps that's Jane to the side --------------------------------->

I'm really bad at updating aren't I? Gosh y'all are honestly the best because I would hate me. Anyways I'm thinking one or two more chapters, then *drumroll* a sequel. Or not really. More of an extra short book. It'll have nine-eleven parts so rather short and I have the perfect story line. Gah I can't wait and I'm glad all of y'all want one too!

Also what do you think about a contest? Would any of you enter? I'm thinking of it being a contest for my favorite one shot for this story that y'all write. 

Yay or nay?

and nearly 100,000 reads, omfg like what even. That is such a big deal and its all because of you. I love each and every one of you so much. 


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