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"Jane is so lucky she has a date this year," Melanie huffs resting her head on the desk.

I give her a small smile, "You know I could always dress up as Ryan for one more night and go with you."

She snorts giving me a weird look, "Sorry we're close but-ew." I laugh leaning back in my chair. Sitting as a guy is ten times more comfortable. I really don't want to go back to sitting like a girl now.

"The offer will remain open," I point out. "Or I could set you up."

"With who?" She groans, "No guy wants to go with me since I accidentally spat on Ian." Last summer we were at a bonfire and of course someone suggested we play chicken. Chicken is a game where two people, mainly a guy and girl, sit across from each other Indian style with their knees touching. The goal of the game is to slowly keep closing the space between your lips until you kiss, the first to back away loses. Melanie and Ian were playing and someone made her laugh really hard causing her to spit on his face and in his eye. Of course they were so close to actually kissing.

"Come on Mel. Everyone has forgotten. It's only you that really remembers." Wrong. That's one of the topics the guys brought up last night. But of course I'm not going to tell her that. Poor Melanie has been through enough.

Again she groans, "Nice try but I hear them call me spit take. Some people really need to work on their whispering skills by the way." Melanie folds her arms across her chest.

"Hey, only four more classes until we are free for four days," I say trying to lighten the mood.

She sighs, "Yeah fall break. My brother is coming home and bringing his girlfriend."

"I'm going to tell you what I told Leanne. We're fourteen, well you're fifteen already, we have so much time left."

"I know," Melanie grumbles. "I just want to have my bloody first kiss that's all I ask for."

I let out a long breath, "Me too."




"So I was thinking, since you are Rose you couldn't have kissed yourself. Or at least not in my mind," Alex shoots off another free throw.

I shush him. "What if someone hears?"

He laughs, "Please. They're too caught up with themselves." Another perfect shot. "Who was your first kiss really then?"

"No one." I grunt throwing the ball at him. "I'm not exactly the girl that gets all the guys."

Alex stares at me for a second before doubling over in laughter.

"I'm serious!" I exclaim.

He stops laughing and shakes his head. "Nice joke. Come on, tell me an embarrassing first kiss story."

"Can't, because I don't have one."


I nod, "Never been kissed. What's your embarrassing story?"

Alex immediately blushes. "Caroline. Pre-k. Monkey bars. Enough said."

"That's all. That's not embarrassing enough." I attempt and fail a three point shot.

"I don't like to talk about it," Alex mumbles bouncing the ball a couple times.

I laugh, "Why," I tease, "Was she your last kiss or something." I keep laughing until I realize he isn't laughing with me.

"Yeah. She kind of was."

Sorry for the shorter chapter. A lot of talking and a bit of back story so it's still important! Last update's question was one that puzzled a lot of you and I found it quite entertaining. 

Here's the tally as of posting this chapter:






My favorite is Zayn. Always has been always will be. So for those four who guessed it, good job! A lot of you thought I was a Niall girl, Kind of makes me curious why. Hm. But anways the first person to guess correctly was MrsHazzaBear_ so congrats!

Question this time!

Coke or Pepsi?

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