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"Morning Rose," My mom says as I stumble into the kitchen. I spent most of the night up doing homework and texting Matt. I'm exhausted. I can feel the giant bags under my eyes.

I grunt a form of response sitting at the counter next to my dad. He's on his phone texting and drinking his usual morning tea. "You look awake," He laughs. I groan laying my forehead on the cold counter top. The smell of breakfast food meets my nose and I perk up a little.

Wait, mom rarely cooks. Usually it's just 'here's some toast.' The last time she cooked I was five and she told me we couldn't get a dog because we were rarely home. Needless to say I was crushed.

"Um Mom, what's up," I question her. She turns around holding a spatula and smiles at me.

"Nothing. I can't make breakfast for my little girl?"

"I mean I'm not questioning that. It smells amazing but what news do you need to tell me? Last time you actually made breakfast was when I was five," I argue.

She sighs putting down the spatula and coming closer to me and dad. He's put his phone away and is now fully immersed in the conversation. "Rose you're going to be a big sister."

"What? Really? You aren't joking," My eyes get really big. "I'm going to be a big sister!" Both my parents nod. "Boy or girl?"

"We won't know for a couple of months," Dad says smiling.

"This is great! I'm not going to be an only child any more," I exclaim smiling huge. Sure it's going to be a huge age gap between us but I don't care frankly.




School passes by quickly and it's lunch already. I head over to my new table with Matt, Cody and Alex. Rachel has at least let up since I told her that I was thinking about asking myself out on a date.

"How was getting froyo with the girls last night," Cody snickers shoving my shoulder. I ignore my instinct to rub it because it actually kind of hurt.

"As fun as it sounds," I reply. Truthfully once Rachel stopped flirting it was enjoyable, fun actually. But I'm not going to tell him that.

"Did you talk to her about Matt," Alex asks since Matt isn't here yet.

I nod looking around for any sign of him. "I don't think she's interested. Said he's too clingy and would never date him." Shrugging I take a bite out of my apple.

Alex clears his throat and I look too the right of me. Matt just puts his tray down on the table. "I'm too clingy?" I nod not really knowing how to respond. Matt shakes his head and laughs scaring me a little. "You know Ryan I almost believed your cover up for a minute."

"What do you mean Matt," I question.

More chuckling.

"I know exactly what you're trying to do. You want Rachel for yourself. Face it she's attractive I don't blame you. But you didn't have to go and bad mouth me," Matt gets angry. "How about we settle this like real boys."

Now I'm terrified.

"Uh dude I'm serious! I tried she's just not interested," I plead my case standing up, but he still towers over me. "I'm telling you the truth."

Matt simply rolls his eyes. "You're a terrible liar."

Actually if I was you'd be able to tell that I'm actually Rose the girl you were texting last night and seemed to like.

"Matt! She's a just girl, you just turned fifteen for crying out loud. Think about how much life you have left to live," I yell at him in the middle of the lunch room.

All heads turn towards us.

Matt cracks his knuckles giving me the worst death glare ever.

"Don't you dare say she's just a girl. She means everything to me."

"Really now?" I laugh, "She means everything to you? If that's true why were you texting Rose last night saying how much you missed her at school and not to forget you gave her a kiss on the cheek! Get over yourself Matthew," I exclaim.

Immediately I regret it.

His fist makes contact with my face and blood starts gushing from my nose. My dad has always told me not to start a fight but he never said anything about self defense.

Ending the chapter there my little astronauts! A lot, and I mean a lot happened in such a short chapter so this isn't a filler! It's very important. I apologize dearly for not updating for such a long time. If you didn't read the authors note for whatever reason, it explains vaguely why. I'm going to elaborate further now: My friend from student council, he's the president of all the councils in our state, attempted suicide yesterday. He lives about four hours away so any news I get takes a while to reach me. So far all I know is he's in the hospital. I just want you all the know no matter how bleak the world may seem there's always a light some where. You may have to search in the dark for a match but it's there. If you ever need someone to talk to (good or bad circumstances) I'm a message away.

Aim for the moon my little astronauts

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