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"Babe it's all ready"

"That's good" I mumble as I stuff my face with more chocolate as I watch tv.

"Happy Easter" he announces as he places a blanket on my lap

"Oohh" I smile as my eyes light up and I start to rummage through it finding two Easter eggs, mini packs of candy and some other little gifts.

"Thank you, I love them" I smile and hold my arms up to him

"You're welcome" he smiles leaning down to hug me then he kisses me

"You taste like chocolate"

"And you don't, have some chocolate" I smile placing some in his mouth

He east it then frowns at me "you're such a bad influence, you don't have chocolate for breakfast"

"You do on Easter. Anyway your basket is hidden"

"Hidden where?"

"I forgot"

"Right then, I'll just be going then"

"Ok, bye. Love you" I wave off stuffing more chocolate in my mouth and focusing on the tv again.

Time skip
I check myself in the mirror confirming today's outfit then I go downstairs to the kitchen.

"What happened to no chocolate for breakfast?" I question standing next to him

"Well seeing as you forced me to eat chocolate I may as well finished it"

"I did not force you, you decided to eat it when you could've taken the chocolate out of your mouth"

"It's chocolate though? How can you reject such a delicious item of food"

"I see you found the basket then"

"I did, thank you"

"You're welcome, when is everyone  due to arrive?"

"In about 30 minutes so I should go and get ready"

I nod ok and make myself a drink as Michael goes to get ready.

Around 40 minutes later the majority of the family are here so the egg hunt can begin. I helped the staff earlier hide all 45 eggs therefore I cannot take part in the hunt because that's just cheating.

"So how have you been?" Jess asks

"I've been great, yourself?" I smile as we take a seat

"Fine, me and Joey have been having some arguments though"


"Bills, work, general life stuff really."

"If you got money problems you know I'm more than happy to help"

"We're fine on cash, we're looking into actually getting married now and it's hard to try and save for that to. Joey has this new obsession with working overtime constantly and going in early. I'm not one of those people of wouldn't believe him and assume he's cheating. I know 100% he isn't cheating, it's just we hardly see him. One week Daisy saw him for 2 hours in a whole week"

"You need to talk to him, say that doing so much work isn't going to help. Yes it brings in more money but he creates stress and a strain on your relationship. Daisy is little still, she won't be anymore and he's missing out on that"

"I know"

The other girl members of the family joins us so I sneak off to find Joey.

"You, inside now" I demand pulling his ear inside

"Ouch, that hurts let go. I was talking to Jermaine and Marlon"

"They can wait, sit"

He sighs and sits down

"Why are you working so much?"

"I'm not"

"Liar, you forget I can still tell when you're lying. Besides Jess told me everything including the week Daisy only seen you for 2hrs"

"We need the money"

"You don't, working so hard isn't the answer"

"We nearly got the wedding funds complete but I want to surprise her. She seen her dream house and I want to give it to her on our wedding day. The seller has given me a time scale to get the money by. I don't want my family living in an apartment anymore. Daisy needs a garden to play in."

"What's the house?"

"It's the outskirts of LA. 4 bedroom, it's just like the house she has described as being her dream house for years. I just want to do right and make my family happy"

"Joey" I sigh and sit by him "working like this isn't the answer, you're missing out on seeing Daisy. It's causing a strain on your relationship. You know you have a great woman, any one else would think you're cheating but she doesn't"

"I know, I just really want to get this house"

"I'll pay the rest."


"Yes, no arguments. Tomorrow morning you will meet me at the estate agents and I will pay the rest"

"You're the best, you know that?"

"I've been told" I smirk and hug him

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, now come on let's go outside and enjoy the day"

We go outside and see Michael cheering as he grabs an egg from the chef statue, guess he finally found an egg then. A few minutes later Michael comes over taking a seat on my lap

"You smell like egg"

"Oh yeah the kids smashed an egg on my head" he chuckles

"Go and wash it out, you stink" I chuckle pushing him off me

By sunset everyone has left, I'd say today has been pretty successful. Me and Michael decide on spending the evening outside as it's such a lovely day.

Being Michael Jackson's wife (Sequel to I Married my Bully)Where stories live. Discover now