Michael's First Christmas

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"Scarlett it's early"

"Michael it's 8:30 am, this is late for some. Honestly"

"Michael if you don't get your butt downstairs in the next 5 minutes I'm opening your presents" Elizabeth speaks whilst knocking on the door.

She arrived last night and has been knocking on the door since 7:45. She's very excited for today.

I get changed into a burgundy dress and place my slippers on as I apply some mascara and lip gloss, whilst I'm getting ready Michael is of course still in bed asleep.

"Get up Michael" I complain whilst hitting him with my pillow

"Alright I'm up." He laughs whilst sitting up "You look pretty"

"Thank you, are you getting ready or not?"

"I'm keeping my pyjamas on"

"Ok, let's go"

"Finally" Elizabeth announces whilst we're walking down the stairs.

"Somebody wouldn't get out of bed"

"At least you're finally up. Come on we got presents to open"

"Omg Michael it's just a dog" I mutter as he holds my hand

Michael doesn't like dogs, well little dogs. Scared they'll bite him. Yet he isn't scared of having a snake or a tiger outside.

"Wow this is incredible" Michael smiles and walks over to the tree admiring all the ornaments on it.

"That over there is yours" I smile

"Santa came?"

"Santa from Bel Air" Elizabeth replies causing me to chuckle  as I take my seat on the floor, Michael and Elizabeth doing the same.

"Now I know how to wake up Elizabeth tomorrow" Michael announces once he's unwrapped another present.

"As long as you don't wake me up with that do whatever you want"

In total he had over 10 super soakers, honestly I'm going to regret buying so many of them because Michael takes water fights very seriously especially when his brothers are around.

It's safe to say Elizabeth was very excited when she finally unwrapped a super soaker.

"I got you this" I smile handing Michael the purple covered present.

He takes it from me unwrapping it, he opens the floral binder and immediately smile as he looks through all the pages.

"Did you make this?"

"Beth and Ben helped with some of it but it was mostly all me. It's for when you're away with tours and feeling sad."

"I love it, thank you so much" he smiles and hugs me

I made him a scrapbook with little messages, words of encouragement, drawings and even photos from our time together.

"I remember this day" Michael laughs as he looks at the photo from when we first started dating and ironically I got a rubber duck from the funfair.

Once all the presents are unwrapped it's the mass cleaning to get rid of all the wrapping paper.  My family will be coming around later this evening which will be fun.

"Where's Michael?" I ask walking back into the living room after getting a drink, and stealing some of the pigs in blankets from the chefs.

"I'm not sure" Elizabeth smiles

I put my drink down and go to look for Michael. I get upstairs and finally I hear a noise so I go to the bathroom.  I hear sniffles so I knock on the door "Michael?" I ask whilst knocking


"You ok?"

"I'm fine"

"The truth, unlock the door babe"

He unlocks the door and I step in, he locks it again and I wipe his eyes

"What's wrong?"

He hugs me burying his head in my neck, I wrap some of my fingers in his curls and we both sit down on the floor.

"I feel guilty" he says quietly


"I don't know, I never had any of this before. I witnessed it but was never a part of it"

"Which is why we made it extra special for you" I smile holding him close

"I know and I love it. Thank you" he smiles back

"You're welcome"

"Guess what my favourite present is" he comments as we walk out the bathroom

"The super soakers?"

"No they're my second favourite. My first is a joint between the scrapbook  and you"

"You're too sweet" I smile and plant a kiss on his lips

"Food will be ready in a few minutes"

"You need to get dressed Mr" I smile

He nods ok and walks off into the closet, once he's dressed we go downstairs and head to the dining room where food is ready. This is the best part of the day, I love Christmas lunch.

"That's $400 pay up" Joey smirks

"You're such a cheater" I mumble whilst handing him the money.

We're playing Monopoly which is taking forever to end. Currently it's been 3hrs and 52 minutes. We still haven't beaten the record of 13 hrs and 43 minutes. I don't think we will ever beat that record to be honest.

"Busted" Michael chuckles as he catches me eating some food in the kitchen "do you eat this much every Christmas?"

"Of course, it's Christmas. It's the holiday of food comas"

He nods ok stealing the piece of cheese I was about to eat. We go back to the living room where Monopoly is packed up and Joey was announced the winner, personally I would've won if we had another 30 minutes.

Joey and Jess had the baby, I wasn't aware of the birth until a month later due to there being some complications and I was busy with everything that's happened recently.

Alex is my nephew and honestly he's adorable. Going to be a charmer just like his father when he grows up.

This year ended well even though it was a rough patch leading up to it. Next year is going to be a better year, I just know it.

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