Part time single Mom

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I'm sat on the floor as I play with Prince and his toys. I can't believe my baby is already four months old. He's obsessed with both me and Michael, he will smile and clap when he sees you entering the room. It's a wonderful thing to make you get out of bed each morning knowing when you walk into his bedroom you will get a nice greeting.

I hear the door knowing Michael is home then two minutes later Prince is clapping and smiling

"Hey buddy" I hear Michael speak from behind me then suddenly he's sat on the floor with Prince on his lap

"Hey" I smile at Michael

"Hi beautiful" he smiles back "How was your day?"

"It's been messy as you can see, how about yours?"

"Painfully slow but I got the next 2 days off"

"That's great news"

Princes makes random noises whilst clapping so I guess he's happy with the news as well. Michael laughs and kisses his cheek.

"Let's teach you how to tidy up shall we?" Michael speaks to prince as he reaches over for the small box.

"You pick a block up and put it in the box like this" he explains whilst showing Prince

Prince holds a block and throws it.

"Well it landed in the box" I chuckle as I grab the blocks around me and place them in the box

"Me and him will tidy, you go and do whatever you want to do"

"You sure?"


"Ok, well I'm off to have a nice bath" I smile and give them both a kiss before going upstairs.

I let out a slight moan as soon as I lay down in the warm bubbly bath feeling my body instantly relaxing. Looking after a baby is hard work but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Since having Prince I've been doing most of my work from the house but next week my parents will be looking after him so I can work full time again. It's something which needs to happen but I'm dreading it. I'm gonna miss my baby boy so much even though it's only for 9-11 hours a day. Michael is returning to tour next week as well which is going to be tough but it's also something which needs to be done. But I'm planning to fly out and surprise him for his birthday which will be nice.

Week later
"It's just you and me buddy" I half smile at Prince before kissing his cheek

Michael has just left and I'm already missing him like crazy.

I go inside and put Prince down for his afternoon nap whilst I decide to do some tidying to keep me occupied.

Tomorrow is when it all begins, I'll be going back to work full time. I know it's still on the grounds of Neverland but I'm nervous to leave Prince.

Few days later
"Please stop crying buddy" I mumble as I gently rock Prince.

I go downstairs and step out onto the patio taking a seat "look at all the pretty lights" I smile

Prince slowly stops crying and sniffles as he watches the lights from the fairground mesmerised by it. You can faintly hear the music playing and after around ten minutes Prince is finally fast asleep.

I remain seated holding my sleeping child as I watch the lights myself, it's truly such a beautiful sight especially with the light summer breeze making it not too hot as well.

I think Prince is missing Michael as it's never taken him this long to get to sleep, I tried everything and nothing worked apart from this. I don't know what I would've done if this didn't work.

I wake up the next morning to the baby monitor letting me know Prince is crying. I get up and go to his room picking him up, luckily he stops crying straight away. We go downstairs for breakfast then I give him a bath. After drying and dressing him Mom arrives so she takes him whilst I can have a shower and get dressed myself.

"Right be good for grandma" I smile as I give Prince a hug and kiss

"He's always good, how is he without Michael?" Mom asks as she carries prince walking to the door with me

"Awful, he wouldn't stop crying and sleep last night. I ended up outside showing him the lights and fair music luckily it worked. This is torture. Honestly all those people out there who are single parents, they're hero's because it's hard work."

"They definitely are, especially the ones with more than one child. I struggled with you three when your father went away for 2 days for a business conference."

"Well we're the lucky ones. I'll see you later" I smile and walk over to the studio.

It's tough, I didn't expect it to be this tough. August needs to hurry up as that's when we're going to see Michael and surprise him for his birthday. I know he's been on tour before and I've missed him but this time is different. I don't have the photos around the house giving me memories of him I got another human. Prince looks so much like him and acts like Michael too. This makes it harder to try and get by the days, it's tough but I know we can do it.

Being Michael Jackson's wife (Sequel to I Married my Bully)Where stories live. Discover now