Beach Day

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Bullied husband beach day

"That's a pretty castle" I smile looking at the fourth one Daisy has built

"Thanks, let's go in the water it's hot" she says excitedly pulling on Jess's arm getting her to stand up

"Alright let's go" Jess chuckles as me and her stand up and we all make our way to the water.

When we reach the water she runs in but runs away before the waves gets her, why does every child play this game? It's cute but when you're older it's kind of silly too. Very rarely will you outrun the water.

Time skip
I'm sat back at our towels with my arms wrapped around my legs as my head rests on my knees.

They both look so cute playing in the water. Daisy keeps walking in but runs away when the waves come in.

I look around enjoying the scenery but my eyes stop landing on a family. The couple are building a sand castle with their son, he looks only a couple of months old. I feel some tears build up in my eyes as I picture it being Michael and me, our baby would've probably been the same age. I could imagine it well; Michael carried away making the castle look pretty whilst I'm preoccupied with trying to stop our child from eating the sand.

But this is Michael Jackson, we probably wouldn't be able to even have a family day out to the beach. It would be a complete disaster.

"Hey, are you ok?"

I look away from the family and smile at Jess "yeah, I didn't hear you guys come back"

"You looked like you was in some other dimension. You've been crying are you sure you're ok?"

I have a mini debate in my head, I can trust her.

"That family over there, it just made me think about things"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know, I feel like I should because only 2 people knows but I'm scared of how I'll feel again if I do"

"Well that's honestly up to you but if you do want to talk I promise I'll support you and I won't even tell Joey if you don't want me to"

I move so I'm closer to Jess just to be on the safe side as the media can not find out about it.

"I used to be pregnant but I suffered a miscarriage. The family made me think about our baby. Our angel would've been roughly the same age."

"I'm so sorry, that's awful" she wraps her arm around me as I rest my head on her shoulder

"I miss my baby so much. Michael was a mess, it was bad timing. The album stress made grieving hard. We had a fight and he blamed me for losing the baby. Why did it happen Jess? Why couldn't we keep our baby? I planned the perfect nursery and everything."

"I know sweetie, sometimes life is cruel but I think it's happens for a reason. You and Michael will have a baby, I know you will. You're both going to be the best parents ever. Do you think maybe you guys wasn't ready? That baby looked very young, Michael is currently on tour. You'd be alone whilst Michael is stuck the other side of the world. You both know what the music industry is like, it's demanding"

"I know it is, it just hurts. I know he wants to try again, but I'm scared. I had a baby inside me who needed me. I couldn't help my baby. I'm scared that it will happen again"

"Don't be scared, I know it's scary but I promise you it will get better. Joey doesn't know but I was pregnant before I met him"

"You was?" I asked now sitting back up and looking at her

"Yes, I had a miscarriage too. Of course I was heartbroken but the baby father left me for my best friend. I knew that I couldn't have a child and explain to him or her that their daddy wasn't interested. 3 months later I met Joey and now look at me. I got a beautiful daughter who's currently smashing her sandcastle up but she's mine and she has a daddy who adores her and most definitely wants her"

I let out a chuckle as we watch her smash the castle.

"I guess things does happen for a reason, anyway it isn't like we could take our child to the beach. It'll be a nightmare"

"Honestly kids and the beach isn't all it's cracked up to be, it can be a month later and you're still finding sand in their clothes or around the house" she chuckles

"Do you still think about it though?"

"Of course, honestly I don't I know about it as much as I used to. But I love my baby and I know he or she is safe, my grandmother will look after my baby for me. If you ever feel upset or anything please come to me cause I don't want you to feel alone."

"Thank you, you can come to me as well"

"Thanks, I think we should get going before it gets dark and I don't need anymore sand in the house"

"How was the beach?"



"I saw a family, it just made me think about us and you know the baby"

"The baby was the same age as our one wasn't he or she?"

"Yeah, But we couldn't do the beach with the paparazzi"

"You forgot the sand" he laughs

I let out a laugh as well

"I think about it too when I see babies. I know our angel is safe and being looked after by our family up their. The people on this leg of the tour is so strict."

"That's what me and jess said, I told her I hope that's ok"

"Of course it's ok, I know it's hard love but I promise you that it's going to be ok."

"I know it will. But it will never stop hurting though"

"Unfortunately it won't but the hurt becomes easier to cope with. I told Mother when I saw her before this tour started. She promised me that it will get easier and she never promises things unless she's 100% certain"

"She knows from experience Michael. I know it will be all ok and easy, your mother is such an amazing woman. She got through it and honestly if she was able to I know we can as well"

"I agree, I don't want to make you upset about it anymore so tell me about the comics"

"We're close to finishing the Bubbles in Spain one and the Scotland one too. The rest is a bit behind but Beth is working on them from home"

"How is she doing?"

"She's bored, but she just wants the babies to arrive now"

"Have she thought of names yet?"

"Yes, they decided on Billy and Hannah"

"Those are beautiful names"

"I know," I pause to check the time "Michael I really must be going to sleep now"

"Ok, I'll call you soon"

"Ok, I love you"

"I love you more"

I let out a smile "goodnight Michael"


I put the phone back then I go to brush my teeth and get into bed.

Being Michael Jackson's wife (Sequel to I Married my Bully)Where stories live. Discover now