The start of it all

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The stress of everything is getting to Michael, I know it is no matter how much he says it isn't I know he's lying.

He's going to continue tour to which he's ignoring my advice on. I don't think he should because it will just cause more stress. What if some idiot in the crowd is a douche and believes it all? They could try and ruin the show.

Michael does what Michael wants to do though, so he's currently sat on a plane a thousand feet up in the air going to continue tour.

I know he's been lying to me though, he hasn't been sleeping well. He spends the night tossing and turning for hours then he will get out of bed and return an hour or so later. He'd say I dreamt it but I know I didn't. He eventually stopped saying that and told me he went to the library. Not much sleep isn't going to help this.

One week later
I get woken up by a phone call, who's calling at 3 in the morning?

"Hello" I grumble as I eventually reach the phone and answer it

"Sorry to wake you up, get some clothes and meet Josh outside in an hour" Frank announces


"It's Michael"

"Is he ok? What's happened?"

"He's going in rehab"

"He's what! Why?"

I hear a sigh

"Frank tell me now or so help me-"

"He's been taking pills" he interrupts

"What type?"

"Sleeping ones"

"For Christ sake, he's such a liar"

"Scarlet calm down"

"Calm down? You're telling me to calm down! My husband has been telling me he's off to read a book in the middle of the night when he's actually popping pills. Tell josh to meet me outside in 15mins!"

I hang up and go upstairs grabbing a case and shoving clothes into it then I leave locking the front door behind me and getting into the car waiting outside.

Time skip
I get off the plane and walk up to Frank glaring at him "tell me everything, now!"

"Please calm down"


"Well as you know he eats less when he's upset and hurt"

"So he hasn't been eating?"

"He's lost around 10 pounds he's been taken three types of pills."

"I told him not to, hell I even asked him if he really was doing that instead of reading. He lied to me"

"Please don't be angry with him, he's really vulnerable right now"

"Take me to him" I sigh trying my best to calm down on the way.

I don't get why he didn't just tell me, I could've helped him.

I walk into the suite and find Michael sat on the couch looking at the floor. I take a seat on the opposite one and stare at him.

"How could you?"

"I'm sorry"


"I couldn't sleep"

"You've been doing it from the start haven't you?"

"Not the very start"

"When you started changing the story from I dreamt it to you saying you went to the library. You lied to my face when I had my suspicions and confronted you about it"


"But you're not are you? You wouldn't even tell me the truth, even when it was early morning for me and you're on the phone not being able to sleep. You hang up and pop some pills then sleep peacefully whilst I'm at work running on a few hours sleep and worrying about you. I'm your wife and you kept something like this away from me. I'm so disappointed in you Michael, I'm mad as well"

"Frank said I have to go to rehab"

"He's right"

"No, I can't"

"Well tough, you need to go"

"Babe please just let me-"

"I don't wanna hear it, I don't even wanna see you're face right now Michael. Get ready cause you're leaving for the clinic in an hour"

I get up and walk off ignoring his pleads for me to stay and listen. I slam the door behind me and lean against it.

"Are you ok?" Frank asks

I shake my head no as the tears arrive and I slide down the door to the ground bursting out into tears.

He kneels down and hugs me "it's going to be ok"

"No it isn't, it's not going to be ok. My husband is about to go into rehab how can it get better from that?"

"It's only 2 weeks"

"Do you even realise how hard it was for me to walk out of that room?"

"Yes, look I know you're doing the whole tough love act but I think you're behind too tough. You need to be supportive too you know"

"He doesn't want to go, I have to be tough or he won't go. I couldn't help prevent this so I need to help with fixing it"

He goes to respond but decides against it and stands up. I stand up and walk off to go and get a drink, a strong one.

That was the hardest thing I had to do, I wanted to just stop and walk back over and hug the life out of him telling him it's all going to be ok but I couldn't. I have to be strong.

1 hour and two glasses of martinis later it's time to leave, here we go. This is the start of it all.

Being Michael Jackson's wife (Sequel to I Married my Bully)Where stories live. Discover now