I can't believe he said that

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"Babe can you come here please?" Michael calls

"Yeah?" I smile walking into his office

"Where did you put my lyrics book?"

"I put it there, see" I say pointing at the book

"Not that one, the blue one"

"You never gave me the blue one to put in here. Only that orange one"

"I did"

"You didn't Michael"

"I have to go to studio soon or I'll be late so where is it?" He says getting annoyed

"I haven't touched it"

"Well you lost it so you gotta help find it"

"How can I lose it when I never touched it?" I'm getting annoyed myself, I hate it when it's coming to an end of making an album cause he's so stressed and gets annoyed easily.

"You obviously moved that one too"

"I didn't"

"You lose a lot of things don't you?"

"No I don't!" I look around the desk and move some papers to look under them

"Stop it, before you lose them too"

"Yeah I'm really gonna lose them" I say sarcastically and carry on

"Scarlett stop it"

"No, you're saying I lost it and gotta help find it so I'm gonna find it"

"I said stop it!" he pushes me away from the desk

"Fine, find it yourself!"

"Yeah, I will seeing as you're the clumsy one to lose everything"

"I don't lose everything, and there it is" I walk over to the filing cabinet

"Stop touching my things before you lose it" he snatches the book from me

"Stop saying I lose things when I don't!"

"You do!"

We keep going on with the I don't and you do for a few minutes along with him telling me to leave which I don't cause I'm stubborn and that means I'm admitting I lost the book when I didn't. the next thing he's literally on the verge of angry now. Oh and he's now right in my face.

"Yes you do!" He shoves me out the way

"very classy Michael, very classy indeed. You think shoving me is meant to make me give in and say yes I lost it? Remember I'm used to more than being shoved, especially by you!"

He looks at me and yep, those high school eyes again. Haven't seen these eyes in a good few years. He walks back over to me and goes right up in my face again,

"Scarlett, I mean it. Just go."

"Not until you say sorry for blaming me for losing the book"

"You lost it and you know it!"

"No I didn't"

"JUST GO!" He yells

"Or what? You gonna hit me? Gonna punch me? Isn't it ironic how it's Monday?"

"Scarlett I'm warning you, I'm so far over the line right now and need to calm down. I don't wanna hurt you so go"

I refuse to leave, why should I? He seriously can't expect to blame me for losing something I never even touched and then expect for me to be all like it's ok don't worry about it and leave.

Being Michael Jackson's wife (Sequel to I Married my Bully)Where stories live. Discover now