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"Jess is Joey aware of this?" I as as we walk around looking at the different designs on display

"Yeah, he's getting one too next week. Besides it's basically for Daisy and Louis. You should get one"

"I'm good thanks"

She nods ok and goes off with one of the artists. Baby Louis was born a few months ago but I didn't meet him until he was 3 months old due to all the drama that occurred last year. He's adorable though and is a miniature Joey.

I keep looking at the designs and one catches my eye.

"My daughter designed that one" a guy smiles from behind the counter

"It's very good" I smile back

"It honestly doesn't hurt, it's like a small scratch"

I look at the design again then back at the man "ok, I'll do it"

"Great, follow me" he smiles

Well here I go, I'm about to get my first tattoo

Back home
"Hey how was your day" I smile as I give Michael a kiss

"It was good, why is there a bandage on your leg, are you ok? What happened?"

"I'm fine, I just got something done there"


"Umm a tattoo"

"A what!"

"Michael it's only a bit of ink"

"That's going to be there for the rest of your life, how could you be so stupid Scarlett"

"I like it"

"Tattoos can't be changed or removed"

"I know that, it isn't even that big"

"But it's still there"

"It's my ankle, hardly anyone will notice it"

"What is it?"

"An elephant and music notes"

"Out of all the designs you could've had"

"Hey if you wanted me to get a meaningful one I could've got a semi colon by my scars to remind myself that I managed to survive through the hell you put me though which would've caused problems with the media which means your dark secret could've been at risk of getting exposed. I was thinking of you before I picked this design so don't you dare go there about my elephant and music notes. You have no right, no right whatsoever. It's my body I can do what I want with it, if you don't like it then it's a you problem not mine!"

I walk off leaving him stood there stunned.

5hrs later
I'm sat on the edge of the bath as I take the bandage off and begin the cleaning process. Michael walks in taking a seat at the end watching me clean it.

"It is cute"

"I know" I smile as I apply the cream

"Did it hurt?"


"Scarlett, I'm sorry. I overreacted and I'm sorry about that. I didn't think it would be that good looking and I know you could've gotten something more meaningful. You deserve to have something meaningful to remind yourself how strong you are"

"I don't need a tattoo to remind me, I got you. You did save me"

I wash my hands then I stand up and hold my hands out to help Michael up, once he's stood up I hug him "I love you"

"I love you too" he smile and kiss me

"How about we place bets on how long it'll take the paparazzi to notice?" I smirk

"Oh they'll notice tomorrow" he laughs

"I'll give it 3 months"

"I'll say 3 weeks"

"Ok, deal"

"Deal"he smiles as we shake on it

Being Michael Jackson's wife (Sequel to I Married my Bully)Where stories live. Discover now