Taken it

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I woke up to my alarm clock aka Prince crying wanting his breakfast, he's doing so good now that he's waking up at 7am instead of earlier which stresses me out and made work horrendous for me with being tired. I get out of bed and make my way to his room where he's looking at me through the bars on his crib .

"Hey little one" I smile picking him up

"Ba da doo be"

"I'm guessing that's good morning in your language" I chuckle as I sit down on the rocking chair.

We're going to the zoo today with Joey, Jess and the kids. Once Prince has been fed and burped I get him ready, he's going to be moving to being bottle fed soon and I'm so excited as that is so much easier and Michael can finally help with the feeds. Once he's all dressed I carry him to my room and place him on the bed making sure my blanket and pillows are around him so he doesn't fall then I go into the closet whilst carefully listening to prince and his movements.

I'm finally back to my normal clothing size which means in this hot weather I can wear my new denim shorts, white tank top and the. Where is it? I look through the clothes hanging up.

"I'm gonna kill him" I say grabbing the burgundy kimono from it's hanger

I thought Michael was joking when he said about taking my favourite black one, I even planned my outfit last night just for today and he's ruined it.

Once I'm all done I take prince going downstairs and I Place him in his play pen so I can have so,e breakfast of my own. Once I've placed the now clean bowl in the cupboard I see the car pulling up so I grab my bag placing it in the stroller with Prince's bag and I pick prince up carry him whilst I push the stroller out.

"Hi" Joey smiles taking the stroller off me so I can lock the door

"Hey" I smile back and walk to the car

"Hi Scarlett" Daisy smiles from the back of the car, it looks like a bomb has gone off with toys, I guess she likes to sit at the very back all the time now

"Hi Daisy boo" I smile to her as I put prince in his car seat then I get in myself and we leave

"Have you seen pictures of Michael on tour?" Jess asks

"No, why?"

"Well in one of them he's wearing something of yours I swear"

"Do you have any of the photos?"

She passes me a magazine and I take a look, he wore it to perform 'You are not Alone' oh he's so gonna get it when I speak to him.

"I planned to wear it today and couldn't find it" I speak as I hand the magazine back to Jess.

4hrs later
I take my phone out of my pocket seeing the name on the screen and I answer the phone "hello"

"Hey babe, how are you both?" Michael's cheerful voice speaks back to me

"We're good, currently at the zoo" I smile as I watch Prince who is babbling to the penguins, to which a penguin is making noises back

"I gathered by the background noise, seems like him and a penguin is having a serious conversation" he laughs

"Yeah, so have you got something to tell me?"

" what do you mean?"

"Wear anything black on stage during you are not alone?"

"Yeah, my loafers"

"Obviously those, an actual item of clothing not shoes"

"I did have black boxers on last night"

"Eww Michael"

"What? You love them" he chuckles

"Anything else?"

"Oh, I may have borrowed something of yours"

"Yeah, something I was planning to wear today"

"I'm sorry, but you have them in every colour"

"I know but I was still planning on the black one for today. You may as well keep it as it suits you"

"We can share it"


"How's my Prince doing?"

"He's doing good, want to talk to him?"

"Of course I do"

"Prince talk to Daddy" I smile as I Place the phone by his ear. After a few exchanges of English and baby language I take the phone back to my ear


"Hey, he sounds great. I miss you both"

"We miss you too"

"The last few months will fly by though and we'll be reunited"

"Yeah it will be fast" I smile knowing he's going to be seeing us sooner than he's expecting.

"I have to go now but I will try and call you tomorrow. Give Prince a kiss for me. I love you"

"I love you to"

We both say goodbye then I give Prince a kiss for Michael then we make a move to go and find Jess and Joey.

"There you are" Joey speaks when we find them by the otters

"Sorry, Michael called"

"Did he admit to taking your shirt?"

"Yeah eventually"

"Are you seeing uncle Michael on stage live?" Daisy asks


"Me too, I got tickets to see him in LA for the final show"

"Wow, aren't you lucky" I smile knowing she's only going because Michael has given his family tickets to help promote the final show which is all for charity.

Time skip
I check the temperature of the milk on my wrist then I hand Prince his bottle, once he's finished it all he watches the tv whilst sucking his thumb. I put Peter Pan on as he loves to watch that movie. When he's finally asleep I pick him up and carefully carry him upstairs putting him to bed.

After my own shower I sit in bed with my diary as I plan what things I can do with Prince when I'm not in work. It's good to have a plan.

Being Michael Jackson's wife (Sequel to I Married my Bully)Where stories live. Discover now