La Toya

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"Janet called me" I speak to Michael as I take a seat at the table

"How is she?"

"La Toya has come home"

"So she wasn't brainwashed then"

"Michael you don't understand, I know you're still mad at her but you need to let it go"

"Let it go? Scarlett you heard what she said against me. My own sister believed I harmed a child"

"No she didn't"

"And how do you know that?"

"Because if she really meant it then why did Randy fly to New York to rescue her last week and she's spent the past week in hospital recovering from bruises?"

"Bruises?" Michael asks shocked as he places his apple down

"Minneapolis 1992 when Janet saw her and said how La Toya asked her for help to escape Gordon. She wasn't lying."

"What did he do?"

"He abused her Michael, he had full control of her. He nearly killed her at one point. What she said about you she was forced to say, he threatened to kill you Michael."

"I knew it but I couldn't be sure. Deep down I knew she wasn't saying it all. But I let the heat of the moment get to me. But why now? Why has she finally decided to break away and escape?"

"Apparently she found out Gordon was planning to feature her in a 18+ bed feature movie."

"Where is she now?"


"Come on we must go and see her"

He gets up going to throw the last of his apple away then we leave to visit Hayvenhurst.

Time skip
"Finally" I smile as I get to give La Toya a hug after waiting an hour

"I'm so sorry Scarlett I really am"

"You got nothing to be sorry for, you're safe now that's the main thing"

I really feel for La Toya, I know the pain she went through. It's horrible. I'm glad she's able to escape and back with us all which is where she belongs. She's still got a long road to recovery but she's a Jackson, she'll be strong enough to make it through and she has us all to help her, especially Rebbie who has missed her terrible.

"Food is ready guys" Tito announces walking into the room

We all make our way into the dining room taking a seat at the giant table full of food.

"Are you ok?" I ask Michael quietly as I fill my plate

"Yes, I'm fine now" he smiles

After food is all over with it's just general conversations until people start to slowly leave, myself and Michael being the 4th to leave after two hours. It's safe to say I'm shattered so thankfully we got the guards here cause I could not be dealing with driving whilst being this tired.

When we get home I take a quick shower then once I'm changed and tied my hair into a lose ponytail I get into bed and cuddle up to Michael who's reading a book whilst I fall into a deep slumber.

Being Michael Jackson's wife (Sequel to I Married my Bully)Where stories live. Discover now