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"Where are we going?" I asked Shawn as I put on my seatbelt in the car.

"What's the point of a surprise if I tell you?" Shawn spoke, a small chuckle leaving his lips. I slightly groaned before I rested my arm on the center console. Shawn put his hand on top of mine, putting his fingers in between mine. I looked over at him and his attention was focused on the road. I looked down at our hands and I turned my hand around so we were holding onto each other's hands. I heard Shawn chuckle quietly. 


Shawn and I walked to a discrete location in the middle of the road. His large hands were covering my eyes so I couldn't see anything but I felt grass beneath my feet, poking through the cracks of my sandals. After we stopped he uncovered my eyes then said, "Surprise!!" 

In front of me was a picnic already set up in the middle of the forest, near a small pond, with two swans swimming around. It was a calm, gorgeous area. I gasped and Shawn chuckled, then inviting me to sit down next to him, which I did.

Shawn took out two plates of muffins and placed them in front of us. "Just muffins?" I asked.

"What do you have something against muffins?" He asked.

"No." I said quickly, remembering what happened last time I said that muffins wasn't the best food in the world. Shawn chuckled and took a bite out of his muffin. "It's so peaceful here." I said. "How'd you find out about this place?" I asked him.

"It's my..... spot." he said. "Ya know, where I come if I need alone time or need some time to calm down or something." He said.  I looked up at him and smiled. "What about you?" he asked, turning his head to face me.

"pardon?" I asked.

"Do you have a spot?" he asked, chuckling. I chuckled then looked down. "What?" he asked me. 

I shrugged then said, "It's... embarrassing." I spoke quietly.

"Oh cmon, I won't judge, I mean, my spot is in the middle of no where." he said. I mumbled something but Shawn must've not have heard it because he scotched over and said, "Wha?" 

"I said, my spot is the animal shelter." I said, then looked up at him and he smiled wide. 

"I hate how perfect you are." he said, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"You're so polite, so caring, loving, and so gorgeous." He said, causing the butterflies to become more intense. 

"W-well I can't sing and y-you sing beautifully." i said, stuttering on my words because I was extremely nervous. 

"You're even perfect when you mess up on your words." Shawn said, causing me to get even more nervous, butterflies getting more and more intense by the second. 

I stared into his eyes as he stared into mine. I saw him look down at my lips for a second then glancing back at my eyes. I felt a coat of silence fall over us and I soon saw him lean in slowly. I couldn't stop myself but to lean in as well. Once our lips met in the middle my stomach felt as if it was doing summersaults and cartwheels. Shawn put his hand on my cheek, intensifying the kiss and I felt my mouth move in perfect sync with his. I felt a smile curl up on the corners of my mouth. " I can't kiss you if you smile." Shawn said, causing us to both chuckle. 

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