(Classic British TV, my dear Americans. Classic British TV. P.S. Bungle is a savage)
( :3 )
a couple o minutes laterh right shrillex came back in bc he got lonely and he were liek "can i join ye in yer teabaggin- um.. i mean tea drinkin innit" and gromgromz were liek "sure m8" and shrillex did a happy twerk and den he sat down on le edge of teh bed whilst gromit drank his tea and den there was an awkward silencio por 66.6 secondes and den shrillex was liek "i shoved a whoel packet o jelly beans up me arse one time" and den gromit were liek "good for ye" and den there was anotha awkwardddeDDEdDDd silencio for 69.69 seconds.
den suddenly zippy came in and everyone were liek "zIPPY!!!1!!!11!" wHY ARE YE HERE YER SHOW GOT AXED IN LEiK 1992 aFTAH 20 YeaRS WYD B" and den zippy didn't say anythin bc it turned out dat bungle had zipped hes mouth zipper so instead zippy jus flashed everyohne his balls abd den mr maker teh v kinky cbeebies person came out from hidin under le bed and he were liek "mmmmMMMmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmm kkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkkkKKkKIINNNNNNNNNKKKAYYYYYYYYY" and den he hid again.
zen wallacey came in and he saw zippy and he gasped and wre liek "nAUGHTYU ZIPPY!!!11!1!!1!" and den mr maker thought "mmmMMMmMmMm KINKYYY" and den he came out o under teh bed again and he saidy "NAUGHTY ZIPPIES MUST BE PUNISHED" and den he whistled in a specific way and den suddenly his v kinky shapes heard it and dey came a-runnin an den zay saw zippy's balls and dey were leik "wHEY" and den mr maker were liek "TAKE IT AWAY MAH KINKY FRIENDS" and den square were liek "I AM A SQUARE" and den he took out his haggis and he shoved it in zippy's mothu and mr maker were liek "dAMN SON yE EAT DAT HAGGIS UP LIEK YER MUMA MADE YE TE DO" and everyone apart fomr teh v kinky mr maker and his v kinky shapes were liek "wtf" and den zippy vomited and he disappeared into a random convenient hole in teh floor which den closed up after him, leavin behing a stick o dynamite which den exploded in everyones face an blew ze wall up and everyone were liek "wtf" and den shaun teh sheepy came in and he wre liek "bAAAAA" which roughly translates to "DO YOU HAVE INSURANCE?? YOU BETTER."