top-notch political banter

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(This has gained over 100 views this week, I'm suspicious)

sO DEN RITE Wallace, gromit, mr maker teh v kinky cbeebies person an his v kinky shapes n shrek/satan n shrillex an shaun le sheep an noddy and sportacus an LE NOB GOBLIN an everyone else went te nigel farages an his leAGUE O DOOMz suPA SECRET base innit but it were on google maps sooo dey got zere innit yaja

so ten dey bROJEJ IN and dey had BAGUETTES as weapons an dey stabbed Charlie and lola and den all de other member and den they rAN UP te farage and trumpypants and dey said "tHERE ES ONLY WUN WAY TO SETTLE DIS."

AND DEN FARAGE YELLED "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" and everyone were liek "yaaaaaaaasss" and den dey all got down on all-fourz and d trump started an he sayd "mOOOOOOOO-" but he got cut off innit bc dEATHSTROKE came in and he yelled "I MADE THE PERFECT CUP O TEA BUT YE WOULDN'T LE ME BE IN YER SQUAD. NOW YOU WILL DIE." and ten he said "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!111!" ande den farage and trumpypants said "SUCH FUN" bc of le political banter and den zey blew away where dey both exploded and dey died and everyone were liek "YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY" but den deathstroke also died from mooing too hard.

den in celebration shrillex started twerkin and den everyohne were jus twerking.


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