Chapter 6

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When I wake up my head is pounding.
My mouth is dry, and I wanna die. Great killer hangover. Not like it's my first.

I try to sit up but end up flopping back down and moaning. I can hear Jenna snoring softly across the room. I then go to check my phone to see what time it is. When I feel around my nightstand it's not there. I then feel around my bed and can't find it. I jolt upright painfully and look around for my purse. I start to panic.

Where did I have it last? Where was I last? I remember then: I went to a frat party last night. I played spin the bottle with a bunch of Harry's friends, went to Nialls room for an hour then...... I can't remember exactly how I got back to my dorm.

Did Jenna drive me? I look over at her sleeping figure. Doubt it. Then I start to remember little snap shots. I fell asleep in Nialls bed. Then I vaguely remember waking up in a car and falling asleep on a very tatooed arm. Then I remember someone put a jacket on me. And I recall someone tucking me in. Niall. That someone was Niall.

That must've been a alcohol induced dream. Then I look down and see I'm wearing a big black sweatshirt.

It was real. Niall Horan gave me his jacket and went through all that trouble to get me back safely. This can not be for real.

Tatoo covered, pierced, blonde quiffed, bad boy of all bad boys Niall Horan, tucked me in? No way.

Ugh I can't think straight right now. My head pounds harder and Jenna wakes up with a loud groan.

"Time is it?" I yet again go to grab my phone and come to the realization I'd left it with the spin the bottle group. Oh no.

I sigh then grab my laptop.

"11:00" I answer.

"Ugh." Jenna replies.

"There's some medication in my drawer. Can you grab some for the both of us?" She tells me.

I attempt to nod them stop myself because it would be too painful. Instead I just walk over and grab to pills for both of us. We both swallow them dry for we are too tired and in pain to get water.

I lay back down and log into tumblr. I sit and scroll through for a few minutes then give up. I can barely see straight.

"Wanna attempt to get dressed the go to The Nook maybe?" I suggest.

"Sure I could use a good cuppa." Jen replies.

30 horrible minutes later I'm dressed in Nialls sweat shirt a pair of skinny jeans and a messy bun. I look like hell. Jen isn't much better but we honestly don't care at this point. All we want is coffee.

We decide to take jens care even though its only about a block away from campus it would be a long trek in this condition.

When we finally get our orders we sit down at a small table and sip at out lattes slowly.

"That was some party eh?" I ask.

Jenna nods slowly staring off into space.

"I left my phone and purse with a bunch of Harry's friends." I sigh.

Jenna looks up and gives me a sympathetic look.
"That completely sucks."

"Just like every thing else at the moment."

She moans in agreement.

"So you and Niall?"

I'm instantly more awake when she asks this. I nearly spit out my coffee.

"Uh... What about us?"

"You know what I mean! He dropped you off last night! Even tucked you in!"
She looks exited and a little mischievous.


"Word got around you two did the dirty." She winks at me.

"No! Of course not!" I yell even though it hurts.

"Oh well that's what Harry was saying you two were doing last night..."


"Mmhhmmm, says Nialls a lucky guy."

"Ugh." I slap my forehead. Are you kidding me? I'm probably already labeled the whore. And I've been here not even a week!

"Oh... Well I wouldn't be surprised if you did almost every girl on campus has."

"Have you?" I ask raising an eyebrow already knowing the answer.

"No bloody way in hell." She answers swiftly.

I laugh at her reaction. But really I'm thinking about how I want to kill every single one of those girls who have. What am I thinking? stupid hangovers. I don't know what I'm thinking.

Just then I look over at the door to see Harry Styles enter.

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