Chapter 14

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He kisses my neck as we both shed tears. I just agreed to try to stop cutting. For him. I'll try. I guess.

"Can we watch another movie?" I ask.


He puts on grown ups and we both lean back in his bed.

I end up watching him watch the movie. Every once in a while his face lights up and he laughs at the movie.

He notices after a while and looks back at me.

"What?" He asks lifting an eyebrow.

I grab his eyebrow ring for an unknown reason. What the heck. I'm weird.

He gets even more confused and laughs at me.

"Freak." He keeps laughing I let go and cover my face with my hands.

"It's okay I was just teasing."

"I know." I mumble embarrassed. I'm probably bright pink at the moment and I try to look away.

He forces me to look back at him.

"Your my freak."
He says.

I then grab his lip ring.

"When did you get these?" I ask.

"Erm... 12th grade?"


"You don't like them?"

"No,no! I love them. They are....... I don't know...... You?"
I answer.

He rolls his eyes then kisses me.

He's being more gentle with me than he was before. Careful not to bump my wrist and not really make fun of me a as much.

It's weird and I don't like it.

He takes my wrist into his hand.

"October. I will fix you. I promise."
He says looking into my eyes.

I start to tear up.

"Okay." I squeak.

He lifts my wrist up to his lips and kisses every single cut, and scar gently.

"You're beautiful. You know that right?"

I blush. And shrug.

"You are." He says seriously.
"And I'm gonna make you believe me."

He whispers as he kisses my forehead softly, turns off his laptop and pulls me close.

After a while off laying in the dark I her him snore softly. I readjust myself so I can see his face.

He looks so young and peaceful When he's asleep. Like a child. He's not scowling like he usually is when he asleep. Not frowning like he does so often.

I will change that. I will make him smile more often, I will make him laugh, I will stop his ever present scowl.

I will fix Niall Horan.

I wake up to a kiss on my cheek.

"Princess wake up. Let's get some breakfast." He whispers.

"Noooo." I moan and hit him with a pillow.

"C'mon we can go to The Nook."

"Uggghhhh." I groan sitting up. Classes start at 9:00.

"Fine, but I have nothing to wear and it's raining."

"Wear one of my jumpers." He offers.

"I guess."

He gets up and fixed his quiff then brushes his teeth.

I don't have a toothbrush. I remember.

"You can use mine." Niall says startling me.

Did I say that out loud?


"It's fine I don't have cooties." He jokes.

"Fine." I reply then wash it off thoroughly before using it.

When I'm finished I comb through my hair and throw on one of his huge jumpers then slip on my sneakers.

"Let's go." I say making my way to the door.

"Wait!" He rushes over.
"Uh... Let me get something first. Stay here." He says weirdly then walks out.


He comes back a minute later.

"K let's go." He says and we make our way to his car.

After getting breakfast I go to class and spend the rest of the day wanting to go to my dorm room and just sleep.

Me and niall goof off the hole time in algebra and I make up an excuse to yo back to my dorm.

When I get there I immediately fall into my covers and fall asleep.

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