Chapter 35

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I wake up to some blaring song coming from October's phone. I assume it's her alarm and shut it the hell up before it wakes her up. Fortunately October is a heavy sleeper and keeps softly snoring curled up towards my chest.

I watch as she breathes rhythmically in her sleep. Her hair is everywhere and her hand is slightly squishing her face on one side but even so she looks beautiful. I decide after about 5 minutes if being a total creep (watching her sleep) to wake her up.

I lean down and kiss her forehead.

She doesn't respond.

I lean down again and lift her chin upwards gently with my finger and kiss her in the lips.

"Time t wake up babe" I whisper.

October Wrinkles her nose cutely and shoves my face away.

"Your breath stinks." She grumbles sleepily.

I laugh and respond "well your snorin' isn't so pleasant either." I joke.

October gives into a small smile with her eyes still closed.

I reach over and poke her dimple that shows on one side.

"C'mon we've got classes today." I persist.

She slowly opens her eyes and raises an eyebrow.

"Niall Horan wants to go to class?" October jokes.

I just roll my eyes and shake her to wake her up more.

"C'moooooonnn" I draw out.

October lifts the finger at me and I laugh.

"When did you become a morning person?" She mumbles.

"When I figured out if I wake up before you I can watch you sleep." I reply.

"Oh god, you creeper." She laughs and sits up rubbing her eyes.

I brush off the comment and watch as she stretches, then procedes to stand up and look through her closet.

I get up and brush my teeth with her tooth brush as she complains about germs. After, I attempt to fix my hair to no avail. A solid 10 minted later, still fluffing and coming my bangs I give up. So I brush my hair back down onto my forehead.

October walks in and gasps.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh my lord, I've never seen you without a quiff." She says walking over and running her fingers through my new hair style.

"Well I never planned on you seeing it this way." I gripe. Really though, I do like her doing this.

"One second." October says quickly walking away, then coming back with a beanie. She slips it over my head and steps back to see.

I look in the mirror and scowl at my reflection. She interrupts my scowl fear by asking, "How is it possible that you can manage to make me want to cuddle with you and pinch your cheeks, but also want to slam you against a wall."

I smirk and take a step closer to her.

I look down to meet her eyes and lift an eyebrow.

"Someone's feisty today."

She shrugs her shoulders and pulls me closer my my belt loops.

"Am I? I didn't notice." She smirks probably because she can feel my boner on her right now.

I turn slightly pink.

"Don't ya get too cocky there Tober." I tease.

"If anyone's getting cocky it's you." She laughs looking down at my boner.

"Goodness sake October you have the absolute worst puns." I reply laughing.

She's still laughing at her own joke though and I watch as her dimples curve prominently and her eyes squint and her cheeks grow redder, as she gasps for air.

Finally, she calms down and we finish getting ready.



Halfway through my second class I get bored as my professor drones on about great past philosophers that have nothing to do with the actual lesson. I instead of listening I take put my phone and realize I haven't talked to Amber in ages.

I sent her a quick text asking what's up.

Minutes later she replies.

That's all ur going to say? What's up? Srsly you have completely forgotten about me.

I scrunch my eyebrows together.

I'm sorry it's just lately I've been super busy with Niall and such.

I reply quickly.

Who the fuck is niall? The guy from the frat house?

- Amber

Well duh. He's my boyfriend remember?

- me

No I don't fucking remember because you don't tell me shit anymore all you ever do is say hi occasionally. We don't even skype anymore.

- Amber

I'm so sorry like I said I've been busy.

- me

Ya? Well I've been busy too. With my parents divorce, my break up, oh! And my little brother has stage 2 cancer in his lungs. Busy month.

- Amber

I gasp loudly and people shush me. I ask to be excused before replying in the hall way.

Oh my god Amber I'm so sorry hows Max doing?

I ask.

Oh ya know just on chemo and dying. Wbu?

- Amber

Look I'm really sorry. About everything you don't deserve this.

- me


- Amber

Plz don't be mad at me. I'm here for you no matter what.

- me

Are you really here? Cause last time I checked ur halfway across the fucking world.

- Amber

I'll be back to visit for Christmas.

- me

I wait for her to reply for a solid ten minutes.

You there?

There's no reply for a long time and soon the class is over and I make my way to the next hoping she'll text me back soon.

Sorry it was short but I promise the next chapter will be more exiting. Please vote and comment I'd really like to hear what you think :)

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