Chapter 1

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"Hey what's up you guys. It's your favorite monster, rap monster!" I cheer for myself and add in my jazzy hands

"today we'll be talking about all of the support you guys are and have been giving me for the past 3 years. I'd like to thank-"

*fridge closing sound*

I look behind me to my room door and only guess that its my best friend Hoseok who never knocks. I shake my head and continue my video.
"Sorry guys I'm not very focused, so I'd like to thank everyone who's been there for me since the beginning and..."


"That's all I have for today, for those of you who don't know I'm rap monster." I flash a smile and wink.

"Hope you enjoyed my rant. Make sure to comment down below what you want me to freestyle about next week. Don't forget to like this video and subscribe! Goodbye my beautiful sexy people!"

I wave and make a cute face before turning the camera off.

I'll edit later. "Hoseok, let's go out!" I walk out of my room and look over the rail to see Hoseok rummaging through the fridge.

"I knew you loved me!" He closes the fridge and rushed up the stairs. I gasp and run into my room, slamming the door right before he could touch me.

"Not that way you idiot!"

"Come on just give me a kiss!"

"That's fucking gross! You're my best friend!" I laugh as Hoseok attempts to pick the lock.

"...I mean I've already seen it plus I am your best friend! We can do things like that!"

"Just give up! I don't love you!" I feel my sides hurting from laughing too hard.

"Notice me senpai!" He screams and I unlock the door, coughing and laughing.

"Let's just fucking go." He tries to kiss my cheek as I walk past him and I accidentally tripped and elbowed him in the crotch.



Hoseok and I continued with our weird ways when we noticed a guy wearing a black hoodie, grey shirt, and black joggers being violently pushed into the wall and one of the three guys attacking his neck with his mouth.


"I think we need to call the cops." Hoseok pulls his phone out and I watch as the victim let's the guys kiss over him, practically fucking him on the wall.

"I think he's fine with it..." One guy's hand slips into his pants and I blush, pulling Hoseok out of view.

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