Chapter 2

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The whole walk with Hoseok consisted of him talking and me zoning out. Last thing I heard him say was 'Collab' and 'rap battle' the whole way to our hang out.

"Joonie? You listening?" I snap out of it and see two slushes on the table, one infront of me.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking." I stare at the table and sip my slush.

Hoseok sits up quick. "About what? You're not having nightmares again are you? Want me to spend the night to make sure you-"

"I'm fine Hoseokie. I was just worried for that guy. I think he's homeless and he looked pretty young. Probably not even 20 yet."

Hoseok scratches his head in confusion then shakes his head. "That's his business. Maybe he snuck out to get gang banged...I would too" He chuckled and takes a bite out of his hot dog. I cringe at his over-gay-ness.

"Such a hoe." I lick my bottom lip and look out of the window of Icy MinMin's and see a family of homeless people sleeping in sleeping bags. I study their faces and not one looked healthy. Their cheeks either painted red or caving in.

Heavy bags under their eyes show a dark color. I'm almost positive I see snot stained on their upper lip from where I am. I honestly can't stand seeing people in that condition. It makes me feel bad that I can't help each and every one of them.

"Ugh I'm full! Want my other hotdog?" He pushes his tray my way and I shake my head and point at mine.

"I haven't even touched mine. I wasn't hungry."

"Well what do you want to do?" I look at the family and pout.


"Thank you so much!" The man whisper shouts and shakes the woman and teenage girl. They both wake up to see 4 hotdogs and the rest of my slush. They smile and happily take the food.

I smile back and walk back into the restaurant. "Okay, that would've made a cute video for the fans. You giving to the less fortunate." He smiles and wipes a fake tear.

"Maybe next time."

We walk in silence back to my house, being stopped only once to take picture with a nice young lady.

"Shhhhhh!" Hoseok puts his finger over my mouth.

"I wasn't even ta-"

"SHHHHH!" He hits me on the shoulder and points to the sign infront of my neighborhood. There's a person wrapped in a blanket- which is too thin and has holes in it- softly snoring right behind it.

"What the fuck?" I whisper and slowly walk closer.

The guy has a bruise under his eye and his lip looks to be busted. "Is he dead?"Hoseok asks

"I don't know, we can't just leave him here." Hoseok sighs and makes his way to my house.

"Fine, I'll help him myself..."

I bite my lip and squat infront of him. "Excuse me...sir?" I gently touch his arm. His eyes widen and he quickly scoots away from my touch.

"P-please don't yell at me sir! I'm sorry!" He whines. I see tears in his eyes and he hugs the blanket closer to him.

"I'm not...going to yell at you..." I stand up straight and he looks up to me. "I was gonna ask if you wanted me to help you." He shakes his head.

"I'm fine..." He looks behind me and I turn to see nothing but cars.

"Would you like something to eat?" He shakes his head no yet I can tell he really needs it.

"I'm Namjoon. I've never seen you before so I'm guessing you just got here today?" He shakes his head no and looks at the grass. "I'll go make something for you. Now, I'm not the best cook but I make a pretty mean ham sandwich." I brag playfully. The corners of his red, plump lips twitch and in no time he's smiling.

"I'm Seokjin." I hear him giggle.

I smile to him and hear his stomach. "I'll be back, Chef Mon on the...Ron!" I rush to my house and hear a soft laugh coming from him.

Off to make the best ham sandwich I've ever made.

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