Chapter 6

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The car stops right infront of me and the booming speakers could be heard clearly. Soon I see my brother step out and he laughs at me.

"Joonbug, why are you crying on the street? Are you drunk?" He picks me up laughing and walks me to the passenger side.

"I'm not drunk. I'm just...emotional." I sniff and wipe my nose.

"Whatever. I got your message and almost got a ticket flying down the streets. Where did you need me to drive you?"

I look side to side. "Can we just...ride around." He nods and sighs, starting to drive off.

"Wanna talk about it?" I shake my head. "It'll make you feel better."

"Yoongi." I say irritated but then calm down, sniffling. "I think...I think I'm gay."

"That's all? Namjoon I swear if you came outside and cried on the street because of what you are I'll make you get out and run you over." I shake my head.

"That's why I called you..." I watch as he turns another street and pay close attention to the scenery. I don't see him.

"What's wrong?" He's back to serious.

"I'm looking for this guy...but I don't know where he could be. He left last night and I just found out."

"Who is this guy? I know him?" I gasp as I see a tall guy with broad shoulders yet groan when I see it's not him.


"What's his name?"


Yoongi slams on the breaks and I hit my head.

Yoongi looks to me and I glare at him. "What the FUCK."

"KIM Seokjin?" He almost shouts with a smile. I nod hesitantly, not so sure. Has he told me his full name already?

Yoongi speeds and makes an illegal U-turn, almost hitting another car. "What's your problem?!"

"You should've just said that!" He says in a sing song tone.

"You know him?!"

"Yeah, I give him leftovers from my restaurant every Tuesday and Friday!"


"Where is he?" I ask as he practically throws me out of the car.

"Seokjin's in that alley. Go get 'em tiger." I nod and Yoongi gets back into the car after patting me on the back, waiting for me.

I gulp and look into the alley. It's dark and smelly. But if Seokjin is in there I'll have to suck it up.

I take a few steps and I'm suddenly alert if everything around me. The quiet wind, the dripping pipes, the rocks on the bottom of my shoes.

Seokjin must have sores on the bottom of his feet, walking all this way with only socks.

I suddenly hear snoring and walk closer to the sound. "Seokjin? Jin is that you?" The snoring gets louder as I walk closer and soon I see a guy with a news paper over his face, moving as he breathes in and out.

"Seokjin?" I slowly move the paper from his face to see a guy sleeping almost peacefully and his beard dirty.

I back up and silently apologies, walking away. I head back to the car and get in, slamming the door and pouting.


"That was not Seokjin." I put my head in my hands and tears fall out of frustration.

"Beard, loud snore? You didn't see him." I look at him with a look of disgust.

"Please take me back to my house."


"Woah, full house. Namjoon when did you get so packed?" Yoongi looks at Jungkook who has taken his pants off and is only wearing boxers that looks as if they don't fit, and Taehyung, who's wrapped in a cocoon.

"Joonie I really can't get out! It's trying to eat me!" Tears are in his eyes and he wiggles on the floor. Yoongi laughs and walks over to him.

"The trick is to roll on the floor, not wiggle." He pulls the only visible corner of the blanket and Taehyung starts turning in a circle.

"Woah! That was fun! Again!" He giggled on the floor and Yoongi chuckled.

"Not now buddy. My brother needs me."

I walk up to my room and hear Yoongi follow behind. "Joonbug." I close my door and he opens it right after.

"I wanna be alone!" I fall face first into my bed and Yoongi sits close to my side.

"Well I'm your Hyung and I want to comfort you." He plays with my hair and I close my eyes.

"Yoongi...I've only known him for four days...but my heart hurts. Why did he have to leave?" Yoongi shushes me and there's a knock on the door.

"Namjoon?" Jungkook's voice is heard.

Yoongi answers for me. "What do you want kid?"

"Taehyung and I are hungry. Can we have something please?" His voice lowers as he speaks and Yoongi's hand stops moving in my hair. I open my eyes and look to Jungkook. He's biting his lip and looking to Yoongi's crotch.

"Jungkook, quit it you slut!" He looks to me with sinful eyes and I sigh.

"I'll cook for you guys, I know Namjoon here can't cook for shit." With that Yoongi gets up and follows after Jungkook. I pray that he's gonna do what he says he's doing and not what I think he's gonna do before falling asleep with my thoughts flooding my mind.

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