Chapter 27

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Namjoon and I decided to take a break from the house. We walked out of the house with a basket full of ham sandwiches, my favorite.

We walked and talked the whole way. Even laughed when Namjoon tripped over a branch and fell.

We arrived at an abandoned park that was actually quite peaceful. No children laughing and playing, not that I mind, no adults chatting up about their responsibilities, and no dogs barking. It was completely silent.

Until Namjoon pulled his phone out and went to his playlist.

I heard him sigh. "What's wrong Joonie?" He started to smile slightly and shook his head.

"Just remembering when I first saw you." I groaned.

"Please don't ever bring that up again."

"I didn't know why I felt like I was drawn to you that day, until now. You're the one for me. Nothing can change that." He examined his sandwich before taking a big bite and sighing again.

"'re getting sappy." He chuckles.

"I can't help it. I'm just too inlove to let it go."

Does he really love me like he says he does, or is it just another trap?

I only smile. "I understand." We continue to eat and just talk about anything and everything that came to our head. Finished the sandwiches and decided to play on the swings.

"Push me Joonie!" I waited for him with the biggest smile on my face.

He came from behind and grabbed my swing. "This very swing could represent me and you. Everytime you push me away, I'll always come back." And then he pulled me back before pushing forward.

I closed my eyes and let the wind hit my face as I cut through it. When I fell back Namjoon was quick to repeat the process over and over, ever now and then he would run under my swing as he pushes me.

I would only laugh it him.

Moments like this makes me feel as if all of the negativity has left me. I almost forgot about my past. My worries almost completely erased. Namjoon makes me happy.

I have a family, a house, and a lovely boyfriend. I don't think I could be happier.

"Namjoon?" He stopped pushing so hard and I looked back at him. I smiled as I studied his features.

I loved how one cheek was fluffier than the other. It makes him more attractive. His dimples compliment his smile nonstop. His eyes never leave mine, while mine are everywhere.

"I love you." He froze up. The swing comes to a spot and we continue to look at eachother.

"You love me?" I can see him gulp.

I nod. "I love you, Kim Namjoon." I watch as he comes around to my front and squats so that he's eye level.

"Well I love you too, Kim Seokjin." He kissed me on the forehead and smiled.

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