Chapter 17

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Two weeks later

Jungkook is still going out almost every day to get high- I mean air...

While Jimin refused to come to my house anymore. I've bought them all phones and Seokjin is looking around for a Job.

Hoseok has been babying Taehyung more, feeling guilty that he made him cry for something so stupid.

Me, I'm thinking of ways to make it up to Jungkook. If I would have never allowed him to go with him, he would have never been in this situation.

But then, if I wouldn't have let him he might have been even worse.


"Jimin...please. you're hurting him."

"I'm scared hyung..."

"Just come here and apologise. Tell him how you feel. He goes out almost every day and comes back stoned. And when he is here he's distant. Please Jimin, I need my family back."

"I...I can't."

Jimin hangs up and I almost throw my phone.

I walk out of the room to see Jungkook on the couch looking at the wall.

"Jungkookie?" I hesitated. He looks to me and I see the pain in his eyes.

"I can't get high enough to stop feeling." A tear falls and he makes no effort to wipe it.

"I'm sorry it's like this, kookie."

"Jimin...hates me doesn't he?" I sigh and shake my head no. The look on his face tells me that just saying his name was painful.

"He's just scared."

"And how do you think I feel, hyung?"

"I don't know Jungkook. Don't you just like his dick?" He shrugs.

"I just...I feel like..I don't know." He struggles.

"What do you feel?"

"I feel heart..." He points to his heart. "My heart needs him."

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