chapter 11

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"Taehyung, Yah don't wanna watch anything else?" I ask him. I've allowed him to watch YouTube on my computer and he's watched the same video on repeat for two hours.

"No, I like this song." He hums along to Spongebob singing the magical doodle song and Seokjin takes a sip of his water.

"When is Jungkook getting home? Is he staying for the week?" Jungkook and Jimin left yesterday and it's almost night again. How much sex could a 17 year old and a 21 year old have?

(In this story, Jungkook is 17, Taehyung 19, Jimin 21, Namjoon 22, Hoseok 22, Yoongi 24, Seokjin 25...I came up with this in 1 minute don't judge me XD)

"Kookie might not want to come back, you'd probably have to drag him back. " Taehyung mumbled as he restarted the video again.

"I'm not walking all the way to Jimin's house. Jimin is a very responsible adult. He'll bring Jungkook home sooner or later." Just then I get a text.

Can kook stay one more day? We're having too much fun ):


Horny shit:
We aren't just having sex!


And I don't like Seokjin

Horny shit:
That girly looking guy with big lips?


Horny shit:
Oooh look at hyung finally exploring the wonders of love

I will cut your toes into millions of tiny pieces


Horny shit:
Not my babies!

I end the conversation there and chuckle to myself. Jimin loves his toes for some reason.

"Appa Joonie? I don't wanna sleep out here without kookie again. Can Eomma and I...sleep in your bed?" I look to Seokjin and he looks just as shocked as me.

"Um, sure. Want me to sleep out here?" He shakes his head. "But we're grown men, wouldn't it be weird to sleep in one bed?"he shakes his head again.

"We're a family now. My eomma and appa." The video stops again and this time he doesn't play it again.

"I..." Seokjin shrugs as if saying 'I'm okay if you're okay' "okay. But only until Jungkook gets back."



"Round and round the record spins all day
Listen again it takes you far away
Trying to stop it is futile
So just listen now to my musical doodle!

Do do do do do do do do do do do
You gotta listen again to the musical doodle" Taehyung sings from inside the restroom. I hear him splash around in the bathtub and sings in a funny voice.

"Do do do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do do do

Think you control it but it's way too hard
Every time it plays it's an electric charge
The sound in your head is brutal
So just listen now to the musical doodle!" Seokjin sighs and lays in the bed next to me.

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