Chapter 23

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"And so instead of fucking like I said, they just left! Can you believe that?!" Taehyung pouted on the ground.

Seokjin, Hoseok and I sat on the couch and I tried to hold in my laugh.

"Tae, you can't just tell people to fuck. The thing is, you wait until they're horny and you sneak-"

"Taehyung, next time just let them solve their problems themselves." Seokjin cut in.

Hoseok laughed at me and Taehyung finally smiled. "You really wanna see two people fuck, huh?" Taehyung nods and looks up to the ceiling, biting his lip.

"I like seeing people happy."

"How about Namjoon and Seokjin, wanna see them happy?" I look to Hoseok with a death glare.

"Yes! Can I see you happy please?" Taehyung pleaded. Hoseok is the only one laughing and Seokjin and I have tinted cheeks.

"N-No, you can't." I stutter.

"This blows. I'll catch you one day."

(If I ever write that it would be in my smut book probably...idk lol DON'T JUDGE ME PEASANT!)



"I've eaten, can you please take me home?" I push my fourth plate away. Jimin smirks.

"Okay, anything for you." We stand and walk to his car, eating outside was a great idea.

"Don't think I'm warming up to you either." I warn. He chuckled and starts driving. We sit in silence for what feels like forever.

The house should've been close by, why is it taking so long?

I shrug it off. My head hurts from Jimin trying to talk to me.

I lay my head on the window and close my eyes.


"Kookie, come on." I hear Jimin from outside my door. The door opens after a few seconds and I almost fall to the ground. "Should've had your seatbelt on."

I roll my eyes and get out, crossing my arms and walking forward. I pause in my steps.



"Park fucking Jimin."

"You need something?"

"I told you to take me home."

"Well I needed something from my house so I figured we should stop won't take long."

"I'm staying outside." I can't go in there. I'll break.

"Suit yourself."

Seconds pass. Minutes fly by. Sooner or later it's been an hour. I groan and March up to his front door, banging violently and shouting.

"Take me fucking home Park! I'm not playing games with you!" It's kinda chilly and I need to use the restroom, but I'm not going inside.

I get no response from the other side of the door. I bang harder and groan, giving up. My back turns to the door and slides down, my bum hitting the hard dirty ground.

"Jimin...please take me home." Little sprinkles fall from the sky and I watch as they come in contact with the concrete and grass. Great. Rain.

I sigh and shrug it off. It's not like I've never sat in rain before. Just as it starts pouring down I see a car stop on the side of Jimin's. A guy gets out and rushes to the door, but what catches me by surprise is his facial features. He's an exact replica of Jimin.

"Excuse me, my hyung needs me inside!" He lightly spoke and I scooted over, getting soaked even more. I watch as he unlocks the door and screams Jimin's name.

What's going on?

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