chapter 21

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"So Namjoon, was that problem solved? Does Seokjin have a job?" I hear my step brother from the door.

"Why do you ask?" Yoongi smirks.

"He's washing the dishes and every three seconds he would start smiling. I'm pretty sure you guys didn't fuck so that's the only reason for his actions." He looked around the room as if checking it out. "Yeah, you didn't fuck."

"He works for me now. That's one problem solved in this house."

"There's more...?" Yoongi gives me a look as if pushing me to say more, then comes to sit by me after I didn't speak. "What other problems are there?"

"Well Jungkook is heartbroken and instead of crying about it he's getting high everyday. And Taehyung...I think he's fine actually." I think about everything. "Yeah no he's fine."

"What happened with Jungkook?"

"Jimin is scared to be with him and literally left him. I swear if he shows his face here without apologising I'll break it."

"Oh, Jimin? I let him in downstairs. He had chocolates and roses in his hands." I almost growl and before I could move Yoongi is holding me down.

"Jimin, get the fuck out of my fucking house you mother fucking bitch ass cunt fucking piece of shitty toast you asshole!" My screaming continues and Yoongi tries his best to calm me.

Minutes pass and I'm finally calm enough for Yoongi to stop holding me down. "Boy, those were some strong words." Yoongi laughs.

"Why did you let him in?"

"He said he wanted to make things right, so who was I to stop it?"

"Can I leave my room now, father?" Without waiting for an answer, I storm out of the room and watch from the balcony.

Jungkook is sitting at the table with the steak barely eaten at all and now a box of chocolates infront of him. He looks to be unable to comprehend what's going on. Jimin continues to talk to him and he only nods.

"I'm sorry I took so long to come to this conclusion...I don't care if this relationship is wrong. We can make this work. Jungkook please forgive me." Jungkook stands up and looks at him, then walks past him and to the front door.

"I'm becoming sober." He sighed before walking out. Jimin looks to the ground and the flowers slip from his fingers, crashing to the ground.

"What you're feeling right now is infact what you deserve. Shit will always be shit. Shit will always feel like shit." I hide the smile in my voice. Jimin looks up to me with angry eyes before running out of the door and after Jungkook.

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