Chapter 9

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"Okay Joonbug, I'm off. Don't call me unless someone's dying." Yoongi hugs me and waves to the rest of the crew.

"Bye Yoongibear!" Taehyung waved back with a rectangular smile.

"Bye Tae." Yoongi chuckled and walked out of the door.

"Aren't you guys tired of being cooped up in here?" I ask Jungkook and Taehyung. They look at eachother then shake their heads.

"Well I have just the thing. We're going out!" Jungkook groans and Taehyung claps.

"Will we see Hoseokie?"

"I don't want to be seen with you. People know me." Jungkook complains.

"People also know me. Millions of people. All for legal reasons." I cross my arms.

"Anyways, we're going to watch a movie. Finding Dory"

(If you've watched it that's great I just watched it yesterday oh gawd my cousin ruined it for me)

"A movie? Indoors? Will adults be there?" I roll my eyes.

"It's a kid's movie. If there are adults they're probably with their kids."

He crossed his arms this time and pouted. "I haven't gotten any dick in days." He mumbled. "I can't even remember the taste." He licks his lips and then looks up to me.

"I'm not sorry. Let's go."


"Oh my god, it's rap monster!" I hear as I've paid for the tickets. I look around and see three girls. One looks familiar.

"Hello girls. Nana." I wave to her and I see her cheeks heat up.

"Who's wrap monster Appa Joonie?" Taehyung looks to me with a look that shows he's lost.

"I'm kinda famous on the internet. Rap monster is my youtuber name." I attempt to explain.

"YouTube? I'm confused." It's Jungkook's turn to speak.

"You guys, don't worry about it okay?" Seokjin ruffles Taehyung's hair after speaking.

"Rap monster! H-Hi.." Her tone drops as she speaks. "Who are these guys?" Jungkook backs up into Taehyung and glares at Nana.

"These are my friends. Guys, this is Nana." Nana grabs her heart and she inhales, squeezing her eyes shut and then exhaling.

"He said my name..." She whispered.

"Can we go watch the movie...Joonie." Jungkook shocks us all with his comment, well the nickname.

"What movie are you seeing?"

"Finding Dory. Would you like to Join us?" She smiles and nods, then turns to her friends who shakes their head no, then frowns.

"I forgot. I'm here with my friends and we decided on our movie already." Her head drops and she starts to sniffle. A tear falls down and I lift her head.

"Hey, it's okay. Maybe we'll see eachother again. Tell your friends I said hello. I gotta go but have a nice time, okay?" I give her a hug and pat her head softly.

"Jooniee come on we're missing the movie!" Jungkook whines.

"Hey, stop being a baby." Taehyung slaps his arm.

"Um, Jin, you're seeing this too?" He nods.

"Let's go in before we see an episode." We walk in and I turn one last time, waving to Nana.


"That was shit! How can a fish and a squid drive a car? And why was she so dumb?! And how was it even possible for a fish to speak whale?" Jungkook continues to complain.

"I'm hungry. Can we eat, Appa Joonie?" I nod but then think. The nearest place that's walking distance to my house and here is Icy MinMin's and I'm not taking Jungkook there. 

"Can we wait until we get to the house?" I ask, looking at Seokjin.

Taehyung shakes his head. His stomach growls and his eyes water. How did he survive on the streets?

"Fine. I know a place." I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Jimin.

You're not inside Icy MinMin's are you?

"Let's go! Food!" Taehyung pulls on my arm and I lead the way.

"It's a close place." I keep my phone in hand incase Jimin texts.

"Are we almost there?" Taehyung starts jumping as he walks and attempts to pull me faster.

My phone vibrates and I look at the screen

Yeah, y?

"Shit." I mumble.

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