Chapter 16

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"Namjoon." Hoseok mumbled as he came into my room, interrupting Seokjin and I's kissing. "Taehyung has sexual attractions towards Yoongi hyung and I!"

"He's 19, he's got hormones." I mumbled, upset that our kissing didn't go any further.

"But he said he won't ATTACK us for now!"

"Then you're safe for now. Stop complaining." Seokjin groaned, playing with my fingers.

"Fine, but if he touches my dick-"

"You'll be a man and give him what he wants. Now can you leave." It's more of a statement than a question. There's mumbling before he slams the door shut.

Seokjin starts licking on my bottom lip and I grant him entrance, picking him up and sitting him on my lap. Our makeup session turns into dry humping and he's grunting as I'm nibbling on his neck.

Seokjin grinds down harder and faster and I squeeze onto his sides. "I-I'm gonna..ohh." he squeezes my neck and gets as close as possible as he orgasms with a low moan. I follow soon after and we're both panting.


"I love you." I blurt out. I look him in the eyes and he looks shocked before smiling.

"I love you too." He pressed his lips onto mine to seal the deal.


"Hoseokie, please don't ignore me." I hear Taehyung plead for the nth time.

Hoseok blushed and attempted to focus more on watching the TV, which looked to me as if he's crapped his pants and still has more to come.

"Hoseok, if you make my hyung feel bad he'll never forgive you." Jungkook said from the floor. Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting at Hoseok's feet as he continued to look up at the TV.

"Hoseokie..." I hear a sniffle and that's when I see Hoseok look down.

Taehyung has a single tear rolling down his face and whatever trance he was in broke and he was now hugging the boy. "I'm sorry Tae. I didn't mean to make you cry." Taehyung hugs him back and Jungkook glared at Hoseok before shaking his head getting up and walking to Seokjin and I.

"I need air, again." He says it while looking to me. I nod, getting the message.

"Don't be too long, Kookie." He nods to Seokjin and walks out of the door.

"I'm gonna buy you guys phones."

"No, I'll buy our phones...I gotta get a job."

"How will you know if you have the job or not if you don't have a way for them to contact you?"

He pouts. "I never win." I give him a light kiss and chuckle.

"Leave it to me, baby."

"Fine. Kiss me again so I don't feel bad." I peck his cheek and smile.

"Like that?" He shakes his head and puts his finger on his lips.

I peck his lips and before I could pull away his arms catch me and we're holding our kiss.

He finally let go of me and goes into the kitchen, I'm guessing to cook.

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