Chapter 8

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"Jin, is that you?" I ask as I walk into my house and am greeted with the sound of someone singing.

As I walk into the kitchen I see Seokjin pouring a hot liquid into a bowl.

"Taehyung got sick after me so I made us some soup." He mixed the soup with a spoon then walked out of the kitchen, to the area right infront also known as the livingroom.

"Um...Seokjin? How old are Taehyung and Jungkook?" I feel like an idiot for waiting until now to ask.

"Well Taehyung is 19, and Jungkook is his younger brother. He's 17."

I nod. "How do you know them?" I ask while grabbing a bottle of water and gulping some.

"They're my babies." I start to choke and pat my own chest.

"They're your what?!"

"Well they're not my actual children. They're only a few years younger than me. I'm like their mom cause they were abandoned at an early age. I found them last year but they've been on the streets longer than that." I take a deep breath.

"Oh...I have a question." I feel my heart speed up.

"Ask away." He sits the bowl down infront of Taehyung, who's fast asleep.

"Why did you leave?" His fingers stop moving and he looks to me with nervous eyes.

"I...I don't know." Taehyung sniffs and wakes up.

"Eomma..." His voice is raspy and his eyes are red.

"So you just decided to leave?" Seokjin refused to look into me, instead feeding Taehyung. I wait for a response and become impatient. "I offered you my home and you just disappear, and pop up again acting as if you never left, and you don't know why?"

His eyes find his way up to mine and the expression on his face says that he doesn't want to talk about it.

I'll ignore it for now. I take another sip of water and sit on the couch, watching. "Eomma, is Appa Joonie mad at you?" I almost choke on my water and Jin looks to me with wide eyes.

"Appa...Joonie?" He asks Taehyung, putting another spoonful infront of his mouth. Taehyung opens his mouth and swallows the hot liquid as soon as it makes it into his mouth.

(Don't be like me and think wrong you pervert)

"Mhm." He looks to me and points. "Appa Joonie." He sniffles and smiles.

"That's not...nevermind." I chuckle at Jin's flushed face and get up to throw my water away and walk up the stairs to my room, where I find Jungkook holding a picture in his hand and asleep on my bed.

I look at the picture and it's of Jimin. "Jungkookie?" I shake him and he doesn't respond. "Kookiemonster?" I play with his cheeks and he finally opens his eyes.

"Why are you touching me?" His facial expression changes from innocent to sinful.

"Why do you have my picture, no, why are you in my bed?" He looks to the picture with a smile.

"Who's he?" I study his expression and smile.

"That's my friend, Jimin."

"Jimin..." He licks his upper lip and bites down on the lower.

"Don't get any ideas. You're underage."

"Did you forget how we met?" Jungkook looks up to me with a smirk. I walk out of the room with my cheeks flaming.

He gets me everytime.

Note to self. Never bring Jimin around.

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