Chapter 19

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"Namjoon? Taehyung? Anybody here?" Yoongi walked into the house holding leftover food from the restaurant.

"Jungkookie, I have food." A head pops up from on the floor and Yoongi almost dropped the food.

"Hello. You have food?" He nods and shows the three bags of food, each bag holding two takeout containers.

"Where's everyone else?" He sat the food on the counter and looked at the boy.

"Well Eomma is still looking for a job, Appa is probably kicking Jiminnie's ass. And Kookie is probably getting high." Taehyung gets up and gets one of the containers.

"So everyone is busy?" Yoongi takes out his own container and they start to eat together.

"Mhm. What kind of meat is this?" Taehyung bites into the perfectly seasoned meat.

"It's called a steak. Have you ever had one before?" He shook his head and moaned at the taste.

"It's so good!" Yoongi chuckles.

"I cooked it myself. I don't trust my employees to make the steaks. It's always over-cooked, under-cooked, flavorless, or too salty."

"Can you cook for me everyday?" Another chuckle.

"I could try but I have a restaurant that I own and I kinda have a full plate."

"I understand.." Taehyung slowly bites into his steak and Yoongi noticed the change in character.

"Look buddy, I'll come by every few days with a steak, okay?"

"Appa said you only come by a few days in the month."

"True. Instead of staying a few days, I'll come for a few hours so I can bring something every time. Fair?"

"When you say a few..." He licks the taste of the steak off of his lips and continues to talk. "How 'few' are we talking?"

"I'll try to come every three to five days."

"Okay!" Taehyung hugs him then continues to eat his steak.


Yoongi and Taehyung continued to play around when the door opened and Seokjin came through the door with a pout evident on his face.

"Oh, hello Yoongi..." He put his phone down on the counter and noticed the food. "Is that...?"

"I brought steaks and sides for everyone! But only Taehyung was home so we ate together. It might be cold so warm it up okay?"

"It's fine. Thank you." He takes his food and gives a smile to Yoongi, then going up the stairs.

"He really needs a job, he hates people doing things for him." Yoongi nods, understanding.


"Yoongi, I didn't know you were here..." I make my way into the livingroom holding the mail and noticed Jungkook is picking at a piece of steak.

"Yeah, I came a few hours ago. And I might be coming every few days." I look to him and Taehyung is asleep on his lap.

"Did he have anything to do with your decision?" He shook his head.

"I decided to cause I barely see you!"

"Sure." I pick through the mail and see that the light bill is higher than usual. No worries.

"I heard Seokjin needed a job, I'm looking for new flavors in the kitchen...maybe he could help out?"

"I'll ask him. I honestly don't want him working though. I'm perfectly fine. I have YouTube and my side job."

I kinda work at a bar. No biggie. I only work on Friday's though. 

"Whatever you say. I'm gonna go shower....Eh, Taehyung?" He poked his face. Taehyung turned over in his lap and his face was towards his crotch.

"Hmmmmm you smell nice."

He opened his eyes and smiled at what he saw. "Oh gee williker" he sat up and started giggling.

"Yeah...I'm gonna go shower."

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