Chapter 15

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"Hobi, you spending the night or..." I hear Namjoon as the TV turned off and I open my eyes.

"Sure, as long as Taehyung doesn't pee again. Plus Jimin left me..."

He chuckled. "I'll get you some blankets.

"Can't I sleep in the bed with you?"

"Jin is sleeping in the bed with me."

"But I always sleep in the bed with you when I'm here. Am I being replaced?" I pout playfully.

"Yes. Jin is my new best friend. Now get some rest." He says as he pulled a large blanket out of the closet in the living room.

"I love you." I blow a kiss and he laughs.

"I love you too you horse."

I look to the cocoon on the floor and hear soft snoring. Only one boy is asleep? Just as I close my eyes I hear the door open and close.


I'm wake up to the TV on cartoons and soft giggling. Taehyung.

I look over to him and he looks to me, immediately stops showing happiness.

"Good morning." I mumble. He turns the TV off and walks away apologizing to himself.

"Taehyung?" I mumble. Am I still dreaming?

He walks into the guest bathroom downstairs and closed the door. I start to follow after him when the front door opens quietly and I hear a gasp.

When I look I see a head of hair crouched behind the couch. "I saw you already."

"Are you gonna tell Eomma Jin on me?" A quiet voice is heard.

"I don't live here, so no." He gets up and gives me a nod before sitting in the spot that I was in, acting as if he never left.

"Jun-" I change my mind and sit back on the couch.


"Good morning, I didn't know you were still here." Namjoon yawns and comes down the stairs.

"Yeah, I woke up a while ago. And Taehyung was up too..." Namjoon chuckled and shook his head.

"Yeah... Don't mind him. He had my computer last night and he's acting like the girl did in the kdrama."

Just then Taehyung walks out of the restroom and paused. "I'm hungry. I'm gonna eat now..." He nods to himself and walks into the kitchen to make a sandwich.

"Taetae, you left me by myself. You know I don't like waking up alone." Jungkook muttered from the couch.

'Just waking up.'

"Go to sleep on time." He muttered.

Namjoon turned to the new voice in the room.

"Are you okay now, Jungkook?" They give eachother a look before he nods his head slightly.

"I think I'm over it now."

Oh, Jimin.


"Hoseokie!" Taehyung sits next to me, then clears his throat. "I don't know if you figured it out or not but I was acting ALL day." I gasp and my eyes widen.

"No way!" I grab his face with both hands, squishing his cheeks together. "You were acting? You're so good, baby!" He giggled and I kiss him on the cheek.

"So. So. Good." Once on the other cheek, once on the forehead, and on the corner of his lips. We both freeze up. "Oh...I'm sorry."

He slowly removed my hands, looking the other way. "You didn't mean to. It was an accident." His voice was heard.

"Yeah, I didn't mean to." I smile and after a few seconds I start laughing. He looks to me and his cheeks were red.

"What?" I pull him in for a hug and cradle his head with my hands, making it impossible for him to move his head away from my neck.

"You're so adorable, baby. I just can't sometimes." Unexpectedly, well I half expected it, Taehyung licks my neck.

I let go of him and he retaliates as I grab my neck. "I'm not adorable. I'm just not as normal as the next person."

"Prove it." He starts to think as his fingers tap away on his lap.

"Jungkookie and I have this friend that we usually meet with to smoke weed and have sex."

That's probably where Jungkook went last night. But how did Namjoon know?

"Hmmmmm what else?"

"I've been holding myself back from attacking you and Yoongibear since I saw you. But I'm not like Jungkookie, I have self control." He giggled and I stopped smiling.

"" He nods.

"I have needs too."

"But you're not going to anytime soon...right?"

"You're safe." He mumbled, his eyes closed as if he was about to go to sleep.

"For now."

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