Chapter 18

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"My heart needs him, hyung." He sniffles and squeezed his chest, well shirt.

"You love him?" I ask after a few seconds. He shrugged.

"I don't know what love is." I sigh.

"When...he left that did you feel?"

Jungkook sucks on his bottom lip and looks up to the ceiling. "I felt like everything was taken from as soon as he let go of my hand my body shut down. I'm...I miss him hyung." He starts crying and I finally sit next to him and embrace him into a hug.

He cries into my chest and I hear Jimin's name a few times. "I'm still hurting! W-Why does it h-hurt so much?!" I feel his tears soak my shirt as his hands clench around my bicep.

I rub his back and it's minutes before he calms down.


(Idk why this popped in my head but I'm sharing it okey! It's so cute my weak heart hurts have mercy on my soul!)


I march my ass right into Icy MinMin's
And walk past the counter, ignoring the people and workers. They know who I am.

"Jimin, get the fuck out here you scared pussy!" I bang on his office door. He's either in there or helping in the kitchen.

"Park fucking Jimin!" The door opens and Jimin goes from looking confused to scared.

"N-Namjoon. Why are you here?" I almost growl and instead push him into the office, slamming the door shut.


"Do you know what I'm fucking going through? Jungkook cried on me last night! Do you know what it feels like to feel helpless while helping someone in need! Jungkook needs you and you are just hiding in work!"

He goes to speak and and I groan. "Don't even try to use the 'I'm scared' card cause I'm not buying it!" He bites his tongue and looks to the ground.

"He shouldn't care for me. I'm not a good person."

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