Chapter 4

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"So Jin, can I call you Jin?" I ask as I watch him eat yet another ham sandwich. Today is the third day I've come to visit him and the perverted and childlike teens are gone.

"Mhm" he swallows and smiles to me. "Sure."

"Where do those go and how come you're not with them? They could be in danger or something." Jin laughs and shakes his head.

"Trust me, Jungkook lives off of danger and Taehyung isn't as innocent as he seems.. they're fine." Another big bite into the sandwich and I sigh.

'How did you become homeless?' I wanna ask but I'm afraid I'd offend him. He's still wearing the same clothes from the first day I saw him:

Grey beanie and shirt, red faded pants, and socks. I bite my lip as he finishes with the sandwich.

"Thank you so much, Namjoon." He wiped his hands on his pants and starts to play with the grass, flashing me another smile and then looking down.

"It's the least I could do." I mumble, looking up to the sky. "It's getting kinda late, I should be heading in." He nods without looking up and I awkwardly turn around, walking to my house.


I hear thunder coming from outside and look to see soft rain falling. I've always loved the rain, it's beautiful.

I continue setting up my filming station and hum a song to myself.

I think I'll freestyle about rain.

Finally the camera is set and I start recording, putting on a smile and starting with my intro.

"Hey what's up you guys. It's your favorite monster, rap monster!" Jazz hands.

"Now as you can see it's raining right now and some of you already know that I love the rain." I sigh and listen to the soothing sound.

"I want to freestyle and my topic is the rain, nice background music right?" The rain becomes louder and I start to think of Seokjin. Is he okay out there?

I clear my throat and start my improvised rap.

(I'll just leave the song here...)


The power goes out I hope to all things holy that my video saved. The rain picks up and I look out the widow, not being able to see anything clearly. But I do see a large figure behind the sign and it can't just be one person.

"Shit." I go to my closet before the door and grab two umbrellas, going outside before opening one of them. I run to the three boys and see them holding onto each other for warmth and Taehyung looks to be crying.

I open the second umbrella and put it over them. Seokjin is the first to look up.

"G-go back in-s-side it t-too cold N-Namjoon" his bottom lip trembles and I see them all visibly shake.

"I'm not going in unless you three are coming with me." The younger two look up and I can see Taehyung's red eyes and runny nose.

"P-please don't leave us out here." He whispers through his cries. He stands up and latches onto me. I feel his soaked close on mine but ignore it. His legs start to shake and I sigh, handing the second umbrella to Jungkook and picking Taehyung up with one arm, holding the umbrella with my free hand.

"Jungkook, Seokjin, follow me." I start to walk and see my neighbor looking out their window strangely

Sick bastard, couldn't even help these people.

We walk all the way to my house and Taehyung never stops crying. "It's too dark! Eomma I want light!" He squeezed onto my neck tighter and his legs trap me. I try to put him down but he's way too strong.

"Jungkook, help Namjoon please." Jungkook says nothing as he walks closer to me and grabs Taehyung by the waist.

"Tae, come here. You're okay. Come to me." I feel him slowly let go of me and immediately goes to Jungkook.

"It's dark, Kookie." He whines. Jungkook sits on the floor, sitting Taehyung in his lap as he cries.

I still see them shiver and rush to the bathroom, getting towels for them, then when I return to the living room, I turn on my light used for filming.

It's bright enough to light up the livingroom.


Taehyung finally stops crying and is now smiling with Jungkook. Seokjin sings quietly to himself and watches the ground. I observe the three and feel my heart ache.

They've been in this condition for I don't know how long. They don't deserve this. And nobody has given them a second look. They could've died out there today and nobody would've cared.

I feel a tear leave my eye and I quickly wipe it away before anyone could see.

"Namjoon? I just want to thank you for being so kind to us. We'll be out of your house as soon as it stops raining."

"Do we have to Eomma? It's been years since I've been safe inside a house. I don't wanna leave..." Jungkook mumbled.

"This isn't our house kookie. I'm sorry."

Taehyung pouts and looks to me. "Please don't let us stay out there Joonie. I'll be good. I wanna stay." I look at all three of them and they're looking at me already. I gulp and look to the ground.

This house isn't that big, I can't afford to have more people. Where will they sleep? This is a two bedroom and that extra room belongs to Yoongi, my step brother who usually comes by. They can't go in there. He'll kill me.

"Namjoon?" Jungkook snaps me out of my thoughts and his eyes beg for me to say yes. Seokjin doesn't have the slightest bit of hope in his eyes.

"You guys, this is a big decision for Namjoon. He can't just let us live-"

"You can stay here, if you're okay with sleeping on the couch and floor. I kinda don't have alot of space." I blush and everyone in the room smiles. Except for Seokjin.

"Joonie says yes!" Taehyung chants over and over. Seokjin stays staring ahead with a blank face.

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