Chapter 10

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"Appa Joonie? Why aren't you and kookie talking?" I shrug and ignore what he said.

"Is it because he jumped on Jiminnie?" I shrug. "Is it...because you caught them?" I almost growl and I clench my fists.

"I'll make sure Jungkook and Jimin never see eachother again." I try to clear the image of Jimin and Jungkook sucking each others faces off and Jungkook practically naked out of my head.

"Don't be mad, okay?" Taehyung gives me a hug and I smile a little, patting his back.

"I won't."


"Hoseokie!" Taehyung shouts as Hoseok walks through the door. He jumps and then relaxes.

"I forgot you had a family, I'm so used to coming in to silence!" Him and Taehyung laughs. The air is still awkward between Jungkook and I as he sits on one couch and I sit in the other.

Taehyung, not worried about us, starts a conversation with Hoseok.

"Namjoon?" Jungkook finally speaks.

"Hyung. When you speak to me you say hyung." Jungkook bites his bottom lip and looks to the ground for a second.

"I'm sorry if I made you mad. I just...couldn't help myself. I grew up sleeping with any and every guy and seeing Jimin there..." He takes notice to my glare and gulps. "I'm sorry hyung..." I sigh.

"You're underage. You shouldn't be sleeping around with older guys- or any guys period. You're out of that environment. Money isn't a problem."

"It's not that I needed money Namjoon! I NEED sex!" His outburst catches me off guard.

"Well if you want sex so bad, leave. Go have as much sex as you want. I don't care. Don't come back. If you can't be a normal teen then I can't feel sorry for you." Jungkook clenched his fist.

"That's not fair! I'm almost 18 and you're treating me like shit! I'm not a fucking dog you can't control me! I have needs and so do you! How come I can't tend to mine but you can?! Have you fucked Eomma yet?!" My eyes widen. I look to Taehyung and Hoseok and they're looking back and forth between Jungkook and I.

"Namjoon? You're sleeping with Seokjin?" I shake my head and then glare at Jungkook.

"Jungkook here is just mad that he can't have sex so he's putting everything on me."

"Why can't he? He's not a kid Namjoon." I give him a look. "He's not your kid." I look back to Jungkook and his arms are crossed.

"'re right. I'm wrong." I stand up and walk infront of jungkook, offering my hand.

"Do you accept my apology?" He looks at my hand, then up to me.

"Am I still gonna get kicked out for having sex?"


"Am I gonna be treated like a child?"


"Can you take me to see Jimin?"

"No- wait what? I don't have a car." Jungkook sighs and shrugs his shoulders, shaking my hand.

"I guess I'll forgive you." He gives me a bunny smile and I almost forgot the reason we were arguing. How could such a cute kid be a sex addict?

"Does Jimin have a car?"

I sigh and whip out my phone.

Jungkook wants to see you. I'm not gonna yell at you guys this time...

Jimin replies almost immediately, but instead calls.

"Are you sure? I already have a father I don't need another."

"I promise. Just come pick him up. You don't have to stay-"

Jimin hangs up and I look to Jungkook. He has a smirk painted on his face. "This feels wrong."

"Is he coming?!" I nod. Jungkook hugs me and thanks me.

"Don't mention it..."

(I am just winging this from now on. Sorry if it sucks lol) 

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